Beginners - March 2018 (Page 7)

2d array how to move all ements
how do i move all elements to the left if try to delete a specific element in 2d array? im using static array and not allowed to use vectors and array for ex...
[9 replies] Last: @keskiverto thank you very much! (by newguy17)
Function type error when returning?
What value type does my function need to be to return the value I am trying to return? Right now I get error: "'return' cannot convert from 'int' to 'int'" ...
[1 reply] : The type pointer-to-int is not the type int . The trailing asterisk... (by mbozzi)
compiling errors with no hints..
I got the compiling errors with no hints which are LNK2005 and LNK1169. I have no idea what that is. Please help! card.h #include <iostream> #include <cstrin...
[1 reply] : if it just sa... (by ne555)
Explain this code to me
Hello this is my first post here so pardon me if I'm doing it wrong. My college gave me a piece of code for me to work through but I'm having a really hard time...
[1 reply] : Ill do a little of it. Runner& operator=(Runner& ob) //an assignme... (by jonnin)
Input storing with vector and pointers, help!
Hello! So im doing this program where the user has to write age, name, how many rooms the apartment has and what is the measurment. And every person apartment...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks you Yolandi and Andy for the help, both solutions were just gre... (by FreeSocks)
Radom Array Menu
Write your question here. Hello im having trouble with this code im working this is the question: Create an array with 100 random numbers and write a program t...
[3 replies] Last: int linearSearch(){ int linearSearch(int array , int ... (by chesnut03)
reading text files
how would i make a program that: -reads a text file -user inputs a string -looks for that string phrase and prints the rest of that line Text file: Ape ...
[3 replies] Last: I wouldn't bother doing it in that order. I would ask the user for th... (by zaphraud)
stuck on array in header file
Hey everyone, im declaring an array in my header file. When i try to define it in my .cpp class file i cant not sure why. //header file #pragma onc...
[3 replies] Last: Not in the way you're trying to. (by Repeater)
hey i have an issue with my code no issues are actually present - the code runs fine however it doesn't do what i want it to it should display monsters (gr...
[4 replies] Last: yeah if you want to be able to kill the player from within any functio... (by zaphraud)
Decodying from int to string message
Hello, I am making a program that asks you to choose a file to encrypt a message to and then encrypts that message by changing each letter to the ascii and then...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much, yes that did help! (by mikaylaelena)
File tools
How do I write a program that asks the user for the name of a file? The program should display the first 10 lines of the file on the screen (the "head" of the f...
[5 replies] Last: Hello flamminghot, In the future pick apart your instructions into sm... (by Handy Andy)
Desperate for help
Got an assignment due in a few days and program is almost complete, however I can't get it to take the input without bugging out. Eclipse debugging crashes and ...
[5 replies] Last: Wow! Thanks for the replies everyone. Yeah the sides is pointless, no ... (by EyeFive)
For loop help - estimating integral of cosine
Hello all I am writing a program to estimate the integral of cosine and compare it to the value of sine, then list the error. This is done by calculating them b...
[2 replies] Last: math.h and cmath are redundant, just use cmath. as for looping over t... (by jonnin)
Problems with converting from node* to node
Can someone please help me understand why my logic is false here? Much appreciated if so! class node { public: node(); node(int, node*); int get_...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome - glad it helped! (by MikeyBoy)
Numbers not adding together?
I am simply trying to calculate the sum of these numbers. They are listing instead of adding together and I'm not sure why. Example: If the numbers are 5, 5...
[1 reply] : You keep setting the sum to 0 on every pass of the loop. Move line 29 ... (by lastchance)
Please Help My program!
Hey all! I need help with my first program! I made a guess game and i want to have 5 tries and when all 5 tries are false to ask me if i want to play again or n...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry, my bad. You did not actually state what problem you do have and... (by keskiverto)
Questions on Destructor
1. Why is the destructor called before going out of scope? 2. Why is the statically allocated object able to print after being destroyed? See output. Ins...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, TheIdeasMan. You found the bug. (by phztfte1)
Trouble with error Undefined symbols.
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "entrance::rbt", referenced from: entrance::delete_jobRBT(JobCreate) in entrance-a7ecc1.o ld: symbol(s) no...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Peter, your reply makes my program work well, thank u very much. (by cabbdeng)
Substring not reading space?
CODE 1 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string name="Bruce Wayne"; string letters; cout << "P...
[1 reply] : It's not std::string::substring() that's stopping at the space. It's t... (by tpb)
Print only 20 values from BSTree
Hello, I'm wondering how I can only print 20 values from a Binary Search Tree, recursively. I would like to print the 1st 20 values in the tree. I have used var...
[11 replies] Last: sorry, forgot to add the &n to pass by referrence (by closed account NCRLwA7f)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 56789... 29
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