by egio
How can I create a node counting function and a 3-parameter constructor for my binary search tree?
[1 reply] : If I wanted to make a three-parameter constructor for my BST below, h... (by gunnerfunner)
by tayloras96
Using structs
[3 replies] Last: For Example struct data { string name; string last_name; // if... (by bird1234)
by seungyeon
Accessing private members using Operators
[2 replies] Last: the operator + overload is incorrect - from the return statement it se... (by gunnerfunner)
by bird1234
cannot remove and rename the file
[3 replies] Last: ouh i forgot to put brackets in close now it is working thnx @Chervil ... (by bird1234)
by theansweris3
Looping yes or no while storing a value and reusing it.
[no replies]
by spike32
How to enqueue and dequeue in mult-idimensional array?
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges what is that? (by spike32)
by rinx241
last name switch
[5 replies] Last: is there any way to keep the spaces of the new name to one single sp... (by gunnerfunner)
by Putrialutfi
Array c++ sequential search
[1 reply] : Can you paste the code? You can iterate through whole array with a fo... (by Hengry)
by Ch1156
How do I get the percentage amount in this formula
[1 reply] : The percentage sign basically tells you to devide by 100: $500 (for 5... (by coder777)
Missing 0 When Printing Out? |
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // for std::setw, std::setfill... (by JLBorges)
by kingkush
How to change pointer from vector element to vector. (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: I'm inclined to avoid creating a new hand class at all: a hand is noth... (by mbozzi)
by j rod
[2 replies] Last: gunnerfunner I am not very adept at c++. I was not sure how to implem... (by j rod)
by logana
C++ Array problem???
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Chicofeo; that is very neat. Nice code! (by logana)
by Meden
Beginner's cin validation
[5 replies] Last: thanks again cire. your suggestion is undoubtedly more elegant and rob... (by gunnerfunner)
by ccwtree11
Dynamically Allocating for Multi-Dimensional Array
[1 reply] : Something like this, perhaps? // Run again with Runge-Kutta (vari... (by cire)
by leyla2
collision detection
[10 replies] Last: I come here to learn too. I learned c++ way before the STL existed, a... (by jonnin)
Comparing user input always equals false. Why? (1,2) |
[39 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help guys. I got my program completely working as i... (by pleaseINeedHelp)
by Mediumgrit
sum equation
[1 reply] : line 30: your 'Sum' function is of type void and then does not return ... (by ar2007)
by longberns
Generating 100 million unique random unsigned integers
[16 replies] Last: Thanks guys for putting up such an educative debate. Special thanks to... (by longberns)
by maschneid
Problems with 'while' loop.
[6 replies] Last: Changed the code to the following and everything is compiling like it ... (by maschneid)