by nicoleb
How to fix this loop so the calculations do not effect the NEXT set of numbers?
[5 replies] Last: If the scores have to be int (ideally unsigned int - they shouldn... (by TheIdeasMan)
by lifeisgood
Problem with Running and Debugging
[15 replies] Last: @OP [quote=lastchance]- if I turn error messages up to maximum in C++... (by TheIdeasMan)
by thhs345
writing a program to calculate age?
[4 replies] Last: I found out the problem! I forgot to write the formula for dday if cda... (by thhs345)
by takaflaka
Function Overloading
[2 replies] Last: I only have one error and I've been stuck on it A novice plumber was ... (by dhayden)
by Najubhai
Multiplying two integer arrays
[1 reply] : it works just like it would if you did it by hand. digit * digit = mo... (by jonnin)
by rradeba
Need help adding appropriate comments to program.
[1 reply] : if you wrote the program yourself just put down your thoughts next to ... (by gunnerfunner)
by jamesfarrow
passing a std::list to function
[7 replies] Last: Sorry - I've been having a bad day. After a long hard look at what I w... (by jamesfarrow)
by xgj7
Help with permutations
[3 replies] Last: Here's an outline of the steps for the permuatation of the rows: std:... (by gunnerfunner)
by TommyGun4
Errors in Program
[3 replies] Last: Got it, thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it. (by TommyGun4)
by ExSanity
Windows Socket send() & recv() message Client-Server
[1 reply] : Wait! I've realized my error i think, I never printf("Message: %s", me... (by ExSanity)
by gtexxo
replaceSubstring function
[4 replies] Last: OP: if you are able and/or willing to use std::regex then you can pop ... (by gunnerfunner)
by ff210327
Generating a linked list
[1 reply] : read the list of nodes forward and backward using the null to termina... (by gunnerfunner)
by mgala
Calling member functions of a class in main
[1 reply] : there are quite a few compile time warnings and one error returned by ... (by gunnerfunner)
by jbed2k17
need help writing a program
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the assist. (by jbed2k17)
by bmakloski
Why is my constructor not working in my operator overload?
[2 replies] Last: Hi! Thank you! No this is great! I will definitely take some time late... (by bmakloski)
by shycas2008
Loop Stops After One Run - Any Ideas?
[1 reply] : // hola2 = inc_hh*3600 + inc_mm*60 + inc_ss; hola2 = end_hh*3600 + en... (by JLBorges)
by eriyanto
Date class
[1 reply] : Something like this, perhaps: struct date { int day ; // 1 ... i... (by JLBorges)
by nicoleb
Help writing a program?
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int scores, st... (by arbwok)
by Baconator
reversing an array?
[12 replies] Last: @OP Here's another way as a result of slight embellishment. Your diffi... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by shycas2008
Why Won't My Loop Put In The CSV My Pattern?
[4 replies] Last: chico - thank you for the ideas! (by shycas2008)