by Newbie12232
Need Help with a tic tac toe program !!!
[1 reply] : Since you haven't shown any code, we don't know what help to give you.... (by AbstractionAnon)
by test1234
[8 replies] Last: You can find more than one solution for the "print diamond" part. Here... (by Enoizat)
by yamada
a cpp program for n students having student name and roll number
[1 reply] : Your third snippet is closest to being correct. However at line 14 (a... (by AbstractionAnon)
by guddu232000
Size Of an Object of Inherited Class
[1 reply] : It is implementation-defined. eg. Linux, x64, clang++/libc++ 96 bytes... (by JLBorges)
by Alex1993
The program jumps one step ahead
[1 reply] : You only want it to look like: please insert first number < moo! inco... (by jonnin)
by DeKonTiki
Classes and const member functions
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, that solved the problem. My rotated function in Point class... (by DeKonTiki)
by quixdi
Bringing in a file as an array using functions??
[2 replies] Last: Replace line 79 with perror("File error: "); and see what it prints.... (by Thomas1965)
by thuynh97
LinkedList Object Array Swapping
[1 reply] : It looks like you have a problem with the output function not the sort... (by coder777)
by Claudius7
Newton-Raphson method with approximate derivative
[7 replies] Last: Oooops! Sorry, how silly of me! Thanks, integralfix. Now it works perf... (by Claudius7)
by wasteproduct
Template and dynamic allocation
[4 replies] Last: Thank you!! I passed. (by wasteproduct)
by rantiv
[2 replies] Last: Got it! Thanks! (by rantiv)
by Sillurechii
Defining chars as more than one option (Uppercase vs Lowervase)
[7 replies] Last: Its funny how people all over the world start with similar things haha... (by katapult)
by mayukhC
help with project 2
[no replies]
by wildcat123
How would I pass by reference?
[4 replies] Last: im dumb tdog: start your own thread and state there what is your pro... (by gunnerfunner)
by ketanco
why we write int in hello world
[8 replies] Last: @TheldeasMan Really? Thanks for the correction! (by ufrnkiddo)
by mayukhC
help with an encryption/decryption program.
[2 replies] Last: I have corrected the errors but I am not getting any output. #includ... (by mayukhC)
by Ben1011001
operations and operators
[4 replies] Last: I'm not exactly sure what you are asking but I hope this helps. In you... (by joe864864)
c program please correct the below code |
[6 replies] Last: printf("\nt\Matrix Manipulation"); this is not correct. you need pr... (by jonnin)
by Yoooooo
Pointers and logic trouble
[2 replies] Last: you can change how much stack you have on a lot of systems/compilers a... (by jonnin)
by spax1111111
Memory leak/dynamic allocation of memory.
[2 replies] Last: great thx a lot :D (by spax1111111)