Expanding part of a code. |
[5 replies] Last: jonnin lol I'm not being paid or anything. This is just an assignment ... (by closed account G2UR4iN6)
by Faggio
string and stream input
[2 replies] Last: Yes you can. string str; // Read one word. // http://www.cplusplus... (by Peter87)
by parkhill
Undefined reference to deconstructor
[6 replies] Last: MikeyBoy - you've asked the most fundamental question that should have... (by gunnerfunner)
by ericksonb
Help With Deleting Duplicates In Arrays
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { const int SIZE = 20 ; // *** co... (by JLBorges)
by mmgh
reference change when push_back
[9 replies] Last: std::move(...) has no effect in this case. It is a kind of cast that e... (by coder777)
by Turtler
Containment and memory management in classes
[2 replies] Last: explain what containment and memory management in classes is exactly... (by gunnerfunner)
by nico144
Please help me right now!! please :(
[11 replies] Last: I recommend taking some lessons on the Web like from code academy or o... (by benhart)
by Alaanor
Putting std::string in union returns error
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, using struct fixed it. (by Alaanor)
by tayloras96
[1 reply] : First of all the prototypes needs to match the implementation. See: ... (by coder777)
by pdgaming
Caesar Cipher 99% done
[1 reply] : Can you supply code with your solution? it makes easier to figure it o... (by xxvms)
by ExSanity
Sockets - Server spamming (null)
[3 replies] Last: The read functions in both Server(line 88)/Client(line 67) store the d... (by coder777)
by connorc
Re-entered value not returning to function
[1 reply] : The problem with the check_inputs_... functions is that you pass by va... (by coder777)
by mastakhan
Weird compiler error when passing 2D array to function
[1 reply] : NOTE: Not all of my program is here, I've removed function definition... (by TheIdeasMan)
creating a test with multiple choices? |
[4 replies] Last: A key idea here is that the below line is probably not what you want. ... (by mastakhan)
by shycas2008
***Appending - Instead of Over-Writing***
[1 reply] : // open for output in append mode (create a new file only if the file... (by JLBorges)
by mayukhC
Help debugging code
[3 replies] Last: ok, i thought i might as well get you started with the first five line... (by gunnerfunner)
by shycas2008
***How Do I Return To The Beginning Of My Program?***
[1 reply] : Put your code in a loop. int main() { bool quit = false; do { ... (by mbozzi)
by persades
max and min
[5 replies] Last: gunnerfunner, unfortunately we have not yet covered the use of std:: c... (by persades)
by newyork23
Simple Question
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> //#include <iomanip> // <-- don't need this ... y... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by extremeclay
From Binary to Octal Conversion Help
[7 replies] Last: Regarding the use of '\n' and endl there are good reasons why endl is ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)