by CosminPerRam
Statistics hidden program how to
[1 reply] : You're barking up the wrong tree with SFML. It will help you with non... (by cire)
by seungyeon
Shifting vectors to the left one time
[7 replies] Last: Hello seungyeon, i just don't know how vectors work You can think ... (by Handy Andy)
by codetojoy
input code
[2 replies] Last: the code recognizes the input string (010101100 or 011) in which case ... (by codetojoy)
I need assistance in creating a tic-tac-toe game |
[4 replies] Last: I have it: #include <iostream> void cursor(int, int); using namespa... (by JarrodBaniqued)
by Kourosh23
using namespace std bug (.cpp accessing .h files)
[4 replies] Last: I solved the problem, I needed to include an extra namespace for all m... (by Kourosh23)
by AnimeByDay
Vending Machine code while loop not working
[1 reply] : The problem is your GetChoice function if I enter number <1 or >6, the... (by bokisof)
by coradelaide
Nested if problem help
[5 replies] Last: A switch inside a if is possible but not necessary. I would have the u... (by joe864864)
by christianwos
Digitized Waveform Generator
[5 replies] Last: I know that a sound wave is a sinusoidal wave, I just did not see the ... (by christianwos)
Need help with Function for password program |
[1 reply] : You need to pass the variables to the function. I will give a code exa... (by joe864864)
by biangkentut
really need help for my assignment. loops
[3 replies] Last: up please (by biangkentut)
by llSPEEDll
Have a getline error, don't know what to fix.
[4 replies] Last: Hi, 1. The variable choice in the function void message() , is ou... (by ElusiveTau)
by NeonNovel
C++ loop program. (While, do- while, for, for each.
[1 reply] : Hello. I am here just to give you hints: 1. The sequence is defined in... (by bokisof)
by Gboss59
How Do I Get My Variables In These Static Functions
[4 replies] Last: Only if you want to call it from other static functions. http://en.cp... (by Peter87)
by arbwok
Reading enzyme acronym and recognition sequence from file
[5 replies] Last: I attempted this in another way with an integer to keep track of where... (by arbwok)
by Kourosh23
Accessing a class from another class - bug!
[3 replies] Last: @firedraco, yes you are right, the problem was from the syntax. @Pete... (by Kourosh23)
by hellochimina
project help :( :( :(
[2 replies] Last: Whole :( (by hellochimina)
by ejkang62
c++: <cstring> vs. <string>
[4 replies] Last: Thank you programmers! all make so much sense! :) (by ejkang62)
by rpanthi
setting 100 digits precision
[3 replies] Last: > Do I need a new library? If so which one and how do I link here? Bo... (by JLBorges)
by darkslayer3
Functions Help - ASAP PLEASE
[2 replies] Last: I see two issues: 1) Your functions return a value, but that value is... (by EtDecius)
by Extorsin
"Too few arguments in function call" Error?
[1 reply] : Line 24: int reduce(int r_num1, int r_den1, double &res1, double &res... (by mbozzi)