Beginners - March 2017 (Page 27)

Statistics hidden program how to
Hello there, i want to make an program in C++ SFML which to be always active, always hidden and always "recording". With that one i mean, i want to do a SFML wi...
[1 reply] : You're barking up the wrong tree with SFML. It will help you with non... (by cire)
Shifting vectors to the left one time
do i have the right idea?? i just dont know how vectors work int temp =; for(i=0;i<SCORES_SIZE-1;i++) {
[7 replies] Last: Hello seungyeon, i just don't know how vectors work You can think ... (by Handy Andy)
input code
not sure how to test my code with a string such as 010101100 or 011. not sure how to code the test. #include <stdio.h> #define NSTATES 3 #define NCHARS ...
[2 replies] Last: the code recognizes the input string (010101100 or 011) in which case ... (by codetojoy)
I need assistance in creating a tic-tac-toe game
I'm having trouble entering a number into "move": when I do that, the board does not display itself again, with the "X" of the first move on the intended square...
[4 replies] Last: I have it: #include <iostream> void cursor(int, int); using namespa... (by JarrodBaniqued)
using namespace std bug (.cpp accessing .h files)
My .cpp file shows me a bug, and it says a nested namespace should be used, but I don't understand why and how. Here is the error message and the code: // ...
[4 replies] Last: I solved the problem, I needed to include an extra namespace for all m... (by Kourosh23)
Vending Machine code while loop not working
So i wanted to ask why my while loop on line 103 of my code is not working when choice six is entered, i want the code to see 6 being entered and out put the mo...
[1 reply] : The problem is your GetChoice function if I enter number <1 or >6, the... (by bokisof)
Nested if problem help
Assume that the rate for getting your motorcycle registered is based on its model year and cc as shown in the following table. Also, for each difference from cu...
[5 replies] Last: A switch inside a if is possible but not necessary. I would have the u... (by joe864864)
Digitized Waveform Generator
Hello everybody, I am a newby to C++. I have to do a time calibration on a piece of electronics. The idea is to build a standalone program for the time calib...
[5 replies] Last: I know that a sound wave is a sinusoidal wave, I just did not see the ... (by christianwos)
Need help with Function for password program
This is the assignment I got: 3. Modify your password program from before to put all of the password checking logic into a separate function, apart from the res...
[1 reply] : You need to pass the variables to the function. I will give a code exa... (by joe864864)
really need help for my assignment. loops
I'm beginner and don't know what i must do, pls help me to make coding or the algorithm from this output. i used dev c++ Input the number of stones: 10 Input...
[3 replies] Last: up please (by biangkentut)
Have a getline error, don't know what to fix.
So towards the bottom, I have a function called void message. Ideally, I am trying to get a message from english to morse code. I'm not sure what I have to fi...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, 1. The variable choice in the function void message() , is ou... (by ElusiveTau)
C++ loop program. (While, do- while, for, for each.
Hello everyone, I am new to the C++ programming language and was given an assignment to create a program that makes use of the while, do-while, for,and for-each...
[1 reply] : Hello. I am here just to give you hints: 1. The sequence is defined in... (by bokisof)
How Do I Get My Variables In These Static Functions
How do I get ULONG itsPartNumber; to work with my Display functions that are overloaded from Part? Error is "invalid use of class member in static function" ...
[4 replies] Last: Only if you want to call it from other static functions. http://en.cp... (by Peter87)
by arbwok
Reading enzyme acronym and recognition sequence from file
I'm having problems getting the Acronym and Recognition sequence from a file. Lets say I have these in my file: BsaJI/C'CNNGG// BsaWI/W'CCGGW// BsaXI/ACNNNNNC...
[5 replies] Last: I attempted this in another way with an integer to keep track of where... (by arbwok)
Accessing a class from another class - bug!
I get a bug, and I don't know how to fix it, any help ? background information: I have a class named Hello inside header file named Hello.h that wants to use s...
[3 replies] Last: @firedraco, yes you are right, the problem was from the syntax. @Pete... (by Kourosh23)
project help :( :( :(
Post Office means to automate some of the shipping process. As a result, We want to be able to calculate the shipping cost, according to the weight and its numb...
[2 replies] Last: Whole :( (by hellochimina)
c++: <cstring> vs. <string>
Hello programmers. I'm a little confused of cstring and string in c++ Can I use both #include<cstring> and #include<string> in the same cpp file? I know...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you programmers! all make so much sense! :) (by ejkang62)
setting 100 digits precision
I cannot get the value of 22.0/7.0 with 100 digits precision. What am I missing? Do I need a new library? If so which one and how do I link here? #inclu...
[3 replies] Last: > Do I need a new library? If so which one and how do I link here? Bo... (by JLBorges)
Functions Help - ASAP PLEASE
I'm trying to create a program that uses functions to determine the length, width then the final area of something but having some trouble. I run into the value...
[2 replies] Last: I see two issues: 1) Your functions return a value, but that value is... (by EtDecius)
"Too few arguments in function call" Error?
Hello guys, im having problems with why im getting a "To few arguments in function call" i dont seem to know whats wrong if someone can take a look that would b...
[1 reply] : Line 24: int reduce(int r_num1, int r_den1, double &res1, double &res... (by mbozzi)
March 2017 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 36
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