by kaluhfornia
Need Help With If Statement Program!
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { const int MA... (by JLBorges)
by GG96
Pointer to Structure of Arrays
[5 replies] Last: I tried using the dot operator, but when I ran the program it gave me ... (by GG96)
by volTron
Separate files questions
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply. I didn't have any issues or errors (except if I... (by volTron)
by Bizzy
Classes Problem
[3 replies] Last: Okay, thanks! (by Bizzy)
by tdog5555
i need help with this error in the code
[1 reply] : The problem is the ; after main in line 9. Put a { there and should co... (by lazpeng)
by UncleDan
Tic Tac Toe
[1 reply] : Use an array for s: char s = {'-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'... (by dhayden)
by nikos149
Question about Pointers
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much. (by nikos149)
by cw8jwh
How to create a c++ library.
[4 replies] Last: @cw8jwh You should make sure you understand -- Difference between de... (by mbozzi)
by kmce
Class version
[1 reply] : That's not a regular phrase in c++, and it's kind of too general. Ther... (by newbieg)
by coolangel24
Rock, Paper, Scissors
[4 replies] Last: In my given example make else statement which will set pChoice to, for... (by bokisof)
by cool123ter
Base and derived classes.
[no replies]
by wasey
Stuck in an Infinite Loop
[6 replies] Last: I've rewritten my code because I was trying to make too many changes t... (by wasey)
by inkaddict92
Guidance with repitition statements
[2 replies] Last: First, we know that win/lose and total can't be for example 1.5. So yo... (by bokisof)
by raminM
[6 replies] Last: the concept is that variables that exist in a function are destroyed w... (by jonnin)
by ketanco
which compiler
[4 replies] Last: Windows 10, go for Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. https://www.v... (by JLBorges)
by haoz
Assistance with structuring addition of HDF5 writer
[4 replies] Last: Is there a public accessible description of those C APIs? For HDF5?... (by haoz)
by bird1234
Structure Pointer Become Null at every call of the function
[3 replies] Last: Yes, you can. A pointer is just a variable, like any other type of va... (by MikeyBoy)
by test1234
survivor s34e1 online premiere video full links
[2 replies] Last: Indeed. By replying to the spam, test1234, you've ensured this thread... (by MikeyBoy)
by jamesfarrow
std::cin to a text file
[7 replies] Last: Ive had a bit of a re-hash and it seems to be doing what I want now...... (by jamesfarrow)
by jakmms
Don't understand this Stack assignment
[3 replies] Last: JLBorges posted this about 3 weeks back - you might have to tinker wit... (by gunnerfunner)