Beginners - March 2017 (Page 22)

ofstream problem
I made a program that ask for 20 names and grade. Then the program automatically arrange it alphabetically. Now I tried to output the result the a ".txt" file...
[2 replies] Last: Hello earlfoz, I have seen this done once before where an "index arra... (by Handy Andy)
Hello ! I need a good book for C++ beginner !
Im searching for a book to learn c++ I want to create some windows application not cmd ! its really boring to create programs like cmd .. Does anyone know any ...
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Trouble with using functions from classes
I am making a basic brute force program and i am having trouble using functions through classes. Brute Force.cpp.cpp(I messed up with the name)(Where the mai...
[1 reply] : you have several issues. first, you typically call a class function b... (by jonnin)
Splot making X act like Z?
Okay so I'm doing a school project that involves moving a navel fleet around an XYZ plane (I've asked for help with this project on other problems as well). But...
[2 replies] Last: Mostly because the example the my professor had given me used "set map... (by Miles Hikari)
Inheritance breaking my code?
So I'm working on a school project that has me building and controlling a navel fleet using GNUPlot. So far I've gotten everything to work perfectly, with the s...
[18 replies] Last: Thank you for the tip Idea Man, and the thing with This->.... Well to ... (by Miles Hikari)
Calling functions within a class
I noticed when practicing classes that when calling functions within a class I can either use the resolution scope operator or leave that off, and my program st...
[7 replies] Last: True, gunner. I know you want to avoid global things when possible, i... (by volTron)
Unable to move cursor to top
After reading Duoas' post about clearing the screen I'm unable to bring the cursor to the upper left-hand corner. I've included the windows.h in my header. I tr...
[4 replies] Last: After testing this I do not think this will work. Using multiple endl ... (by volTron)
by Ayu Z
Advantage of dynamic array
Hiii people. I remember in the lecture my instructor said some advantages of dynamic array but wasn't in detail and I couldn't recall it now. So apart from p...
[2 replies] Last: large data stores that change in side have downsides also. C++ deman... (by jonnin)
Reading from Excel
I've read some topics like this but I couldn't understand anything. I just need help to just read what's written in specific column of Excel file. And I need ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello lemonsugar, I would say the first part you will have to do is f... (by Handy Andy)
Doubly Linked List help
Using Doubly linked list and I am gonna ask for help on one of the functions since I am completely stuck. I think I can get it down if I can get help with one o...
[4 replies] Last: newNode = first->getPrev(); should be: first->setPrev() = newNode ... (by gunnerfunner)
by abdan
Calculate the surface of the sphere radius
My code is work, but I have an issue with the result of my code. when I run with f10 the user is asked to input the value of r3 value and r2 value to calculate...
[14 replies] Last: pi: - take the sequence 113355 - take the second half 355 and divide b... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
accessing private mem w/o friend?
wondering is there a way to access the private members while in overloaded operator without declaring 'friend' ? istream & operator >>( istream & input,...
[14 replies] Last: It is embarrassingly simple: It is required that the declaration of ... (by JLBorges)
Am I using the constructor arguments incorrectly?
I am trying to display the model year, model, make, and speed and all this information comes up blank when I run the program. I tried switching some things arou...
[2 replies] Last: xismn, That was exactly it. Thank you! (by MisterTams)
Finding the two largest numbers
How can I find what is the two largest variables out of three, without using arrays.
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int a, b, c ; std::cout << ... (by JLBorges)
Two slightly Different implementations of Quick_Sort
I'm trying to brush up on my sorting implementation so I decided to implement Quick Sort. Now, just to experiment, I implemented it in two slightly different wa...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I see. So I wasn't being consistent when changing the code to the ... (by Arslan7041)
by Ponvo
(Abstract classes) My counter is not working
I am making a program that uses abstract classes, this is an assignment and I have 6 days to finish it. I have seen the problem around and no one is helping no ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! It's working like I planned! now I can continue (by Ponvo)
=operator constructor in a link list
I have this code below ListClass::ListClass(const ListClass& existingList) : size(existingList.size) { if (existingList.head == NULL) head = NULL; ...
[3 replies] Last: The code can be greatly simplified if you use a pointer-to-pointer: S... (by dhayden)
vector subscript out of range
Vector subscript out of range error. any HINTS on why I'm getting this error? updating this post for a new vector subscript error. Been trying to debug this fo...
[1 reply] : In lines 19-20 it's possible that nextLetter is still empty. (by Thomas1965)
Menu Driven Code Compiler Errors
New C++ student seeking assistance with reviewing the compiler errors in my code. Have done some research online and have had little success with a remedy for m...
[1 reply] : line 77 : add ';' a the end line 119: opt[ i ] <- What is it? you fo... (by ar2007)
March 2017 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 36
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