by earlfoz
ofstream problem
[2 replies] Last: Hello earlfoz, I have seen this done once before where an "index arra... (by Handy Andy)
by code4545
"No Matching Function For Call" and "No known Conversion" Errors Help
[1 reply] : Line 18: PQCell( PQItemType, PQPriorityType, PQCell* ) // declaration... (by keskiverto)
by EdjanCPP
Hello ! I need a good book for C++ beginner !
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Trouble with using functions from classes |
[1 reply] : you have several issues. first, you typically call a class function b... (by jonnin)
by Miles Hikari
Splot making X act like Z?
[2 replies] Last: Mostly because the example the my professor had given me used "set map... (by Miles Hikari)
by Miles Hikari
Inheritance breaking my code?
[18 replies] Last: Thank you for the tip Idea Man, and the thing with This->.... Well to ... (by Miles Hikari)
by volTron
Calling functions within a class
[7 replies] Last: True, gunner. I know you want to avoid global things when possible, i... (by volTron)
by volTron
Unable to move cursor to top
[4 replies] Last: After testing this I do not think this will work. Using multiple endl ... (by volTron)
by Ayu Z
Advantage of dynamic array
[2 replies] Last: large data stores that change in side have downsides also. C++ deman... (by jonnin)
by lemonsugar
Reading from Excel
[2 replies] Last: Hello lemonsugar, I would say the first part you will have to do is f... (by Handy Andy)
by kikiyox77
Doubly Linked List help
[4 replies] Last: newNode = first->getPrev(); should be: first->setPrev() = newNode ... (by gunnerfunner)
by abdan
Calculate the surface of the sphere radius
[14 replies] Last: pi: - take the sequence 113355 - take the second half 355 and divide b... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by gambette
accessing private mem w/o friend?
[14 replies] Last: It is embarrassingly simple: It is required that the declaration of ... (by JLBorges)
by MisterTams
Am I using the constructor arguments incorrectly?
[2 replies] Last: xismn, That was exactly it. Thank you! (by MisterTams)
by esokoletsky
Finding the two largest numbers
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int a, b, c ; std::cout << ... (by JLBorges)
by Arslan7041
Two slightly Different implementations of Quick_Sort
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I see. So I wasn't being consistent when changing the code to the ... (by Arslan7041)
by Ponvo
(Abstract classes) My counter is not working
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! It's working like I planned! now I can continue (by Ponvo)
by techjohnny
=operator constructor in a link list
[3 replies] Last: The code can be greatly simplified if you use a pointer-to-pointer: S... (by dhayden)
by SkarFaceT9
vector subscript out of range
[1 reply] : In lines 19-20 it's possible that nextLetter is still empty. (by Thomas1965)
by jaysparks
Menu Driven Code Compiler Errors
[1 reply] : line 77 : add ';' a the end line 119: opt[ i ] <- What is it? you fo... (by ar2007)