Beginners - March 2017 (Page 19)

stuck on this ambiguous error
HI, after running the program, I receive an error that states, "Person is an ambiguous base of StaffST. I have no idea how to fix this. I know it has to do some...
[2 replies] Last: This is a duplicate of: (by MikeyBoy)
Stuck..need help please with while loop
I'm having a problem with the while loop. I'm trying to create a combination that will exit the program when entered. These are the specific instruction: Then ...
[1 reply] : Hey, make sure to initialize those variables x, y, z, printsum and eve... (by MokkaTech)
QFile does not overwrite the
i have a program here and it does not overwrite as it should it say file is not open QFile file(":/Soruce/list.txt"); // the location by the way is...
[3 replies] Last: It seems you can't write to a resource file (by Thomas1965)
Establish SPI communication between two components
I am new to microcontrollers programming and I am trying to establish SPI communication between PIC24FV32KA301 and MS5611. After a week of searching and lear...
[no replies]
This dot product function dose not multiply correctly. Or something... this has me really stumped..
I'm trying to create a dot product function for a larger project. provec0 and provec1 are the two output ints that are supposed to be the product of the four in...
[2 replies] Last: Does this help? (by TheIdeasMan)
Error in template class
On line four I am getting the errors "expected template name before '<' token", "expected { before < token" and "expected unqualified id before < token". Could ...
[4 replies] Last: If you want Stack to inherit from NumStack you should include NumStack... (by Peter87)
SDL 2: Render image to screen?
So, I am trying to render a gif to the screen. However, the gif does not show up on the screen. All that I see is an empty white window. How can I fix this prob...
[4 replies] Last: Great. It worked. I just needed to remember that you only pass the var... (by ghostk91)
Runtime error with sorting code
I'm doing a bubble sort code but I'm getting a debug error "Run-time check failure 2 - s". I did the code at first to sort in descending order and it worked fin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot that worked. Isn't it strange that it worked for the desc... (by avatar97)
How to make my program compare line by line from input file?
[no replies]
Having problems writing constructors
I am trying to rewrite the constructors in this code. For this problem it says the written program asks for a student name and a student id. The main program th...
[1 reply] : line 21: error: 'Student::Student' has the same name as the class in ... (by gunnerfunner)
code functions that will perform the various arithmetic operations and then call the functions in main()
The calling statements that are placed in main() should replace the calculations that are currently in the switch statement. I need to write and use the foll...
[5 replies] Last: 1. define all the functions before main as arbwok did with addition() ... (by gunnerfunner)
Need help please
Can't figure out how to do the last part of the paragraph: The main program will call a function named printmyname(), sending it one parameter -- the sum of ...
[4 replies] Last: Got it! Thank you so much! I need to get more sleep :-) (by esokoletsky)
How can I change what the nodes are called in a function?
I wrote code that does what I want but I know I can make it shorter I just don't know why I can't change what the nodes I called inside of a function. here is ...
[2 replies] Last: @BAC Sun, thank you, I was able to fix it. For my second question I me... (by idknuttin)
Best C++ Book
Hello! I dont know if this is the right place to post but i really needhelp. I have learn some basic concepts about C++ and now i want to learn more advanced t...
[4 replies] Last: You can find them here: (by mbozzi)
So..keeping it simple..I have to display the reversed numbers of a string.Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ....100------------>100 99 98 97......1 int a,i,inv=...
[1 reply] : I'm confused as to why you're using so much code. Why not just count d... (by BAC Sun)
Heap Corruption in overloaded operators
I've been building a Big Integer calculator. If I use a member function to multiply the BigInts together, then everything works fine. When I move my multiply fu...
[2 replies] Last: The problem was in my overloaded + and my setdigit functions apparentl... (by BAC Sun)
Turning a non-constant value into a constant
I'm writing a program where I need to count the number of integers in a given file, then pass those values into an array (unfortunately I can't use vectors for ...
[6 replies] Last: Make it bigger than you are likely to ever need. If you think you ne... (by jonnin)
Problem with List Control in visual c++
Hi everyone! I have problem using list control in visual c++. I tried to create a table which appears on a dialog window but when I run the executable on dialog...
[no replies]
Formatting the output..
Hi, My program prints out on the console numbers up to a number specified by a user and prints all the divisors for each number. Now I got some issues. 1) Aft...
[3 replies] Last: This is a way of checking if you're at the beginning of a line (numOu... (by dhayden)
What exactly are global variables?
My professor specifically told us not to use global variables for our assignment. From my understanding, a global variable is something like an 'int x =2;' outs...
[2 replies] Last: There are globals, but they are there for a good reason. The std::cin ... (by keskiverto)
March 2017 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 36
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