Beginners - March 2017 (Page 14)

problem with printing linked list data
Hello! I made a simple program to practice linked list basics with the current goal being to be able to insert a new node in front of head or before head if i ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the response! when you insert into a singly linked list... (by globaltourist)
Code Blocks Separate Compilation Error
So I am in the process of learning C++ and currently learning separate compilation. I am able to include the header file in the source file but I am unable to r...
[2 replies] Last: It works, thank you very much. (by SerRing)
Help understanding 2D STL array
I'm trying to understand this. The way I see it, there is an array of arrays. The first for loop loops through the the arrays rows, and the second the columns. ...
[5 replies] Last: MDA = x; (by gunnerfunner)
Calculating Execution Time
I am trying to find the execution time for a program that calculates Fibonacci numbers using an iterative algorithm, but I am getting no data - my output is 0 m...
[1 reply] : computers are fast (by ne555)
by Carat1
How can I make a macro where like for example, when I press the F! key, it types in "Hello World." if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)) { //type "Hello ...
[1 reply] : I think you are asking: how do I get a program to stay resident (syste... (by jonnin)
List all files in Local Disk D or C
Hi, anyone can help me? I need to create a program to list all the files in directories and subdirectories. For example if user choose local disk D. The program...
[4 replies] Last: std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator C++17 http://en.cppref... (by JLBorges)
by Sentoo
Collision Detection Program c++ Help
Hello there, I am only missing the nested loops for the "\" and "/" pattern and I am lost on how to code that. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Colli...
[2 replies] Last: we know that a circle, xx+yy = rr using that or just math (square bo... (by jonnin)
Help with Password Validation Program
I'm having some trouble with a password validation program, I have the basics taken care of but I can't figure out where to go next. The details for the progra...
[5 replies] Last: Your turn now to come back with some code. Remember that userPassword ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
I want to delete a specific book
Hello guys, I'm new to C++ and right now I'm doing homework, making programs that i have think of and etc to train myself. Now I made "Library Management", but ...
[1 reply] : Copy library.txt to a temporary file, omitting the book that you want ... (by dhayden)
String input and split
What is the easiest way to take string input from keyboard and then split this string based on how many words there are? I've tried doing it the raw C++ way,...
[13 replies] Last: from OP: What is the easiest way to take string input from keyboard ... (by gunnerfunner)
Help with fstream and function
Hello all, I am pretty new to c++ and programing in general. I have a problem with a code I am attempting to write. I am supposed to create an int function that...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much thomas. I very much appreciate the help. (by oserrato)
Splitting text for writing to multiple files
Hello dear forum users. I'm just starting to learn C ++ and english isn't my native language. I'm hope for your help. In the program I need to implement the ...
[8 replies] Last: @JLBorges I think your solution is wonderful. I didn't even know that ... (by Enoizat)
need help with char operator
In the following program:, the output does not give distinct names of items entered by me. whenever I select display option the column of item name will just di...
[1 reply] : char i_name ={}; ... for(i=0;i<n;i++) { ... cout<<"enter the NAME of... (by Thomas1965)
by CooloN
The problem is : Case scenario Calulating payroll for employee Each of the employee will be recognized by employee ID. The system will receive gross income, ...
[3 replies] Last: sorry late reply , nvm guys . already know how to do it , thnx btw (by CooloN)
Homework help
Write your question here. Include the use of ++, += in a program that achieves the following using loops. (You can do these in one program or each one in a s...
[1 reply] : the syntax of a for loop is for(precondition, loop condition (while t... (by jonnin)
by kmce
best way to handle movement
I am making a small game and need to handle movement somehow and also change a variable. So I initially thought a switch statement would be good and when w is p...
[1 reply] : what are x and y? any chance there is a up/down/etc flag in there? (by jonnin)
by Dagr
Need help
Hi guyz i need u help. I need to write 2 class which is separated from each other they must describe triangle 1) triangle with 2 page and 1 corner; 2) t...
[5 replies] Last: Please, consider there could be users of this forum, like me, who are ... (by Enoizat)
Changing Text Color of Array index
I have an ascending bubble sort program that sorts through an un-ordered array for which I am trying to alter it such that for each swap that takes place within...
[3 replies] Last: @McBraunie You're very welcome. (by whitenite1)
homework help for printing patterns
I may had written it wrong. but the X,+,*,& that I used in the code is what my professor want us to use to make the 2 big asterisks. Task: I. The program asks...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int num; wh... (by seungyeon)
Hi, can anyone help me? I am new to C++ programming. I need to create a program that calculate the md5 checksum of the file that is input by user. At the momen...
[2 replies] Last: Hello baeso, See Thomas1965's comment " you need to open it or specif... (by Handy Andy)
March 2017 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 36
  Archived months: [feb2017] [apr2017]

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