by Whos Sayin
[no replies]
by talking head
tax calculator help
[1 reply] : Try running the program in a terminal window. It runs okay for me. H... (by dhayden)
by kaffy
finite element analysi
[1 reply] : @kaffy This may be a case of "can't see the wood for the trees". What... (by lastchance)
SDL2 clearing screen question. |
[1 reply] : SDL2 doesn't support buttons. This means you've rolled your own butto... (by mbozzi)
Need help allowing user to take a quiz. |
[2 replies] Last: //continuing on below: int menu() { int selection = 0; std::cout... (by pleaseINeedHelp)
by ahogan
Random Number Bubble Sort
[3 replies] Last: #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> void print_a... (by JLBorges)
by rinx241
remove digit of an integer from left to right
[1 reply] : unsigned int remove_left_most_digit( unsigned int n ) { if( n < 1... (by JLBorges)
by ahogan
Random Number Output of MEan and SD
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, got it (by ahogan)
by shycas2008
CTIME and how to use it properly
[3 replies] Last: Gunner, JL; This is exactly what I was looking for - thank you so ve... (by shycas2008)
by seungyeon
what is a class? what does a class do? What is a constructor?
[2 replies] Last: a class is a user defined variable type. Roughly, it is a way to grou... (by jonnin)
Writing a switch statement with two random numbers |
[1 reply] : the first number is always divisible by the first number. The answer... (by jonnin)
Finding Duplicates in Vectors |
[2 replies] Last: the standard approach is to sort the data, or a copy of it, and compar... (by jonnin)
by seungyeon
if array is more than 10
[3 replies] Last: Not sure what you're trying to do here. What exactly are you trying to... (by kingkush)
by seungyeon
how do i load the array with primes and print
[no replies]
by VX0726
Probability Of Winning Is Zero?!
[1 reply] : In c++ division on whole numbers returns a whole number, e.g 5/2 = 2. ... (by TheHardew)
by Shnibl100
If and else statement run, not just if.
[3 replies] Last: Glad I could help! (by kingkush)
by Aft3rL1fe
Need to use one parameter to give values to multiple variables
[1 reply] : I think you might be confused. Your function is taking in 3 arguments.... (by kingkush)
by Kourosh23
Check for Prime Numbers - C++
[3 replies] Last: @TheHardew, right on! Both sample codeshave this bug, I have to fix it... (by Kourosh23)
by mastakhan
Trouble with reading/writing integer data to/from binary file
[2 replies] Last: Thomas, you rock. Not only did this help me see the bug, it also help... (by mastakhan)
by ufrnkiddo
How to dynamically allocate space for an "incomplete" matrix?
[4 replies] Last: But every diagonal matrix is a square matrix, but not every squ... (by lastchance)