by zachd07
Recursive Backtracking Maze Solver
[1 reply] : If you search the forum for "maze" you'll find some similar problems t... (by dhayden)
by Suroh90
Arrays In Class "Invalid Use of Non-Static Data Member"
[3 replies] Last: I was using a C string because when you would input a name like "Benj... (by jlb)
by esokoletsky
do while loop
[3 replies] Last: note OP line 2 and line 5 have different scope (by gunnerfunner)
by gubhaus
Bool true/false for error checking
[4 replies] Last: Chervil - this was a great point, I was doing exactly(!) the same and ... (by gunnerfunner)
by hockey34
Control may reach end of non void function
[10 replies] Last: Is return N->GPA correct? It seems ok - without seeing the rest of... (by Chervil)
by whyMUSTi
C++ to Raptor flowchart
[2 replies] Last: Have you already learned what an initializer list does? Instead of wri... (by goldenchicken)
by AnimeByDay
last item in inventory viewed twice
[8 replies] Last: There are two errors at line 6/96: While ( (by Chervil)
by test1234
in and out stream
[6 replies] Last: The following version works, but it's very basic: /* ==============... (by Enoizat)
by Alex1993
Where is this function coming from?
[2 replies] Last: The cumulative density function of the normal distribution (CND, or Ph... (by lastchance)
by gurpartap
Static int inside struct is undefined !!
[1 reply] : Static members have to be defined outside the class somewhere, like yo... (by helios)
Space Invaders Scorekeeper & Enemy Motion |
[1 reply] : This code might be the problem: (Line 25) { struct Bullets b1; struc... (by goldenchicken)
by Meden
When you call a function, what do these do<>
[1 reply] : get() is a function template and <> tells the complier the type a part... (by gunnerfunner)
by Alex1993
Using Guards in CPP
[6 replies] Last: This is a syntax error because of the space between the two underscore... (by JLBorges)
by devopablo
Is there a way to evaluate "if (variable is an integer)"?
[3 replies] Last: > if the stack is empty, I want to be able to return a default value ... (by JLBorges)
by avatar97
Is there a way to open matlab ?
[1 reply] : you can start any executable with C++commands. Try the executable n... (by jonnin)
by Arios
Function not being invoked
[2 replies] Last: Your function was called (try strings of different length) but your me... (by lastchance)
by Suroh90
Returning INT Through a Class
[2 replies] Last: Thanking you highly ;D (by Suroh90)
by its20alif
Need assistance with c++ program
[7 replies] Last: Sure, I can try to help but what exactly do you need help with? It app... (by kingkush)
by jvardam
convert to loop
[3 replies] Last: Jvardam I am not sure i understand, Binary number 10010000 is in deci... (by xxvms)
by its20alif
Please help with c++ program?
[5 replies] Last: the guy was not responding. Unbelievable, uh? (by Enoizat)