Beginners - March 2014 (Page 67)

by cozier
Input on if I did this I/O right.
Reading text from a file. I think I did this correctly but wanted to see if someone could look over the loop and give me their two cents. I just want to make su...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks again! (by cozier)
How to do memory traces..
So I missed a day of class due to a snowstorm and I have a test coming up on a topic I missed and I cant find any information on it online on how to do it and I...
[1 reply] : Assume all variables are declared int 16-bit int, 32-bit int or 64-bi... (by MiiNiPaa)
by jwilt
need help with structs
I'm learning structs and I'm having trouble understanding it. I'm trying to pass in my struct to my read function and I'm getting an error "parameter 1 of 'void...
[1 reply] : Function can see only type names which have been defined before it. SO... (by MiiNiPaa)
Debug Assertion Failed! What??
I keep getting this error message and I have no idea what it means or why I'm getting it. I'm doing the DVD catalog that pulls its data from a text file. I can...
[2 replies] Last: That did it! All that just from a couple of missing brackets. Love it... (by Khillz3000)
Sales Bar Chart
I'm doing my homework assignment for beginning C++ Class. I need to write a program that asks the user to enter today's sales for five stores. The program shoul...
[3 replies] Last: Sure. I would use for loops as well as arrays. You'll use one integer... (by xismn)
Not understanding the problem with my calculation not giving the total value
I'm in intro to c++, so using arrays is new to me right now. I'm having issues with the userAverage not giving me the total value I want it to give. It will eit...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much long double main The last code you put didn't make... (by MrBones)
Remove an element from an array
Chubbi > Here is the project I have to do : Write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to hold a user-defined number of test scores (f...
[2 replies] Last: Chubbi > can you please explain what you did here? if( n_scores > 1 ... (by JLBorges)
Help with my project
I just started learning c++ and I have to write a program which reads data from an input file, then the output has to be shown on the screen and also stored in ...
[11 replies] Last: Can you give two sample input files with a different number of things ... (by LB)
A little Help
I am writing a code to emulate the game Concentration, with only one suit. I am only partially into the writing of the implementation process and cannot get th...
[no replies]
by rshoe
while loop with '\0' as a signal
I have to print an ASCII value of each character in a char array, 1 per line. I have to use a while loop and look for the '\0' as a signal to end. This is the c...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks giblit! I think I got it now. This will print out the ASCII va... (by rshoe)
by Yasz
Where shall I add the file name in the code?
Hi, I am trying to run the below code, and when I execute it the massage "The command line must include a valid log file name." displayed. Pls advise. for...
[3 replies] Last: Create a blank .txt file called pdh.txt and put it in the same dir... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
HELP WITH - Display file from Command line
I am using a book to know about command line, however when I write the code's book example and call the text file as mentioned in the book(I already created the...
[4 replies] Last: I am windows user, and about the error is not an error, but it confuse... (by closed account ivDwAqkS)
by mdeeza
HELP [dynamic polynomial array]
Hello, I've been working on this code for a while now but can't get two functions to work and I'm unsure how to code them The first function is an output ope...
[no replies]
Iterator basic doubt
Hello, I'm new at C++ andI cannot understand some things of this function. My questions are: 1. In the "for" structure, which is just at the end of the funct...
[6 replies] Last: std::find returns an iterator. The return type of std::find is the... (by LB)
i know something is wrong with it help? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int n=1, f=1, sum; for (int n=0; n<20; n+...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks that dose work (by TheMikey87)
Bagels Problem
Im having trouble with the calculations. This is the problem. Betty's Bagelry charges $3.80 for a baker's dozen of bagels (13 bagels). The price for half ...
[no replies]
Need help with class implementations
I'm trying to write a student class registration program that uses three classes: class Course, class Student, and class Wrapper(to eliminate the need for globa...
[6 replies] Last: ._. Now it compiles. I hate asking, but can I see some example code ... (by InfiniteLoop)
by bzz77
Segmentation fault when trying to use class objects stored in a vector
I am not very experienced with C++, so advance apologies if this is a silly question. I have made a vector of class objects. I have done this because each ti...
[5 replies] Last: > I'm pretty sure ther... (by ne555)
Pi Project
We were assigned to make a pi project for pi day at school, and I decided to make a a game where it shows you 200 digits of pi, and then you enter as many as yo...
[7 replies] Last: @L B thanks i though that only worked if the strings were on the same ... (by SorinAlex)
Creating my own histogram using c
I want a function that takes in a array let's say [ 4, 5, 6, 3, 4] Then the output will be a histogram graph. I am thinking of an way which use "|" an...
[1 reply] : Check this out: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vec... (by MiiNiPaa)
March 2014 Pages: 1... 6566676869... 79
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