Beginners - March 2013 (Page 11)

Help with array question?
What is the index of the first element in the array declared below? const int SIZE = 3; int nums2 = {1, 2, 3};
[3 replies] Last: You should be able to figure that out from the information you've been... (by Zhuge)
by suraya
program writing to memory after the end of the heap
hey guys i wrote this code and it keeps giving me an error which says that the program is writing to memory after the end of the heap. how can i fix this proble...
[2 replies] Last: thank you a lot :) (by suraya)
I'm a 13 year old kid and i want to learn c++
Ok guys I'm 13 years old and i think it would be cool to create a game of some sort.I heard c++ would is good for this. So I wanted to know where do i start lea...
[6 replies] Last: @Catfish3 Don't bring him down. I programmed in C++ for 3 months and t... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
2 vectors and 1 is a string
I have to right a program that takes in a name and a number ex:(John 17 Jane 12) and then print them on the screen but i don't know how to make the one that is ...
[3 replies] Last: FYI, it was just reading until EOF. Ctrl-D would have terminated each... (by moorecm)
Compiling issues
So I've been working on a code at school and everything was going okay, but I came home and downloaded Dev-C++ (same one I downloaded at school) and when I try ...
[1 reply] : I'm using Windows 8, by the way, and the school computers are Windows ... (by PaulIsDead)
help understanding inputing from file into an array
I am having trouble understaind the specific way to read from a file and putting th einformation into an array and continue reading info from there problem: TFT...
[1 reply] : h (by bojangle32)
matrix help
Hello all I have some project about chess so I have 2 rooks and I have to mark which part of matrix is marked by rook. Something like this A1 and B2 are rooks...
[2 replies] Last: As you go through the board, if you find a rook, you set the row and c... (by Lowest0ne)
basic calculator troubles
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (){ int a; char b ; int c; cout<< "please enter a number \n"; cin >> a; cout << "pl...
[1 reply] : figured it out. It should've been a string not a char because it measu... (by taylw006)
by suraya
why cant i generate a random number of type double?
hey guys i wrote this code and i want to generate randome numbers of type double. i dont know how to do that. it keeps giving me an error saying illegal type o...
[4 replies] Last: thank you guys :) (by suraya)
Help with coding
I'm working on the code for a conversation, here's what I have so far: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { string i; cha...
[2 replies] Last: Okay thank you. This is my first time coding and that was the ghetto w... (by PaulIsDead)
Copy constructor, Assignment operators
Hi, I wrote a program and I just don't understand how it works (funny, isn't it?). Could somebody please explain? Here is my overloaded operator + Vektor...
[no replies]
How to check to see if an element in vecto contains a certain value
Hey, I am working on this project where I am storing info from status messages in a vector. Once elements are stored I am reading the vector and displaying the...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks. Got it working!!!! (by tnjgraham)
Trouble understanding Leap year function
When I run this, the return value is always "1". I left in my test code I'm trying to figure out why the return value is always 1 and how to fix it. Just to mak...
[3 replies] Last: Function name in expressions is converted implicitly to the bool type ... (by vlad from moscow)
payroll calculator
I'm trying to get my payroll calculator to show the regular and overtime hours but after you enter hours worked it asks enter Y to rerun. I'm trying my hardest ...
[12 replies] Last: Got it working Thanks for your help. (by FaffyWaffle)
by smac92
Tax Calcualtion Using Functions
Hi, I'm trying to edit a recently written program to use specific funtions: calcSingle(income), calcMarriedFilingJointly(), calcMarriedFilingSep(), calcHeadOfHo...
[no replies]
IDE break down
This is my 3rd successive day at trying to install MS VS C++ 2010, and it still does not run. Each time after re-installing I get the following error - '...
[1 reply] : Maybe just try a differant compiler. (by Yanson)
Issue with struct array program
Hello!!! Im posting this because im having an issue with my program, see below. The problem im having are errors with my function calls saying the compiler cant...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah and you didn't assign a value to your total variable befor using ... (by Yanson)
My object is producting an error. Cannot figure out what is wrong.
I created two header files w/ their corresponding .cpp file and one main. I created one object called Resistor_4Band Resistor4 and another called Resistor _5_Ba...
[3 replies] Last: When compiling main.cpp: After the line #include "4Band.h" has been... (by Alrededor)
Array Help
Why doesn't my newmaster.txt file have any data in it. Even when I cout << Fname ; after my while loop I don't get anything printed on screen. If I do cout <<...
[5 replies] Last: Got it! thank you very much for your help. (by gantz2109)
What Is Wrong With My Name Finder?
For my C++ class we have a big list of movies, and we have to print out the names when we enter a certain director. Here is my code: cout << "Enter Part Of ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok I got it to work without the getline. Thank you for the help! (by Baumer8993)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 910111213... 87
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