Copy constructor, Assignment operators

I wrote a program and I just don't understand how it works (funny, isn't it?). Could somebody please explain?

Here is my overloaded operator +

Vektor Vektor::operator+(const Vektor& scitanec2)const
Vektor navrat;

for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
navrat.pole[i] = pole[i] + scitanec2.pole[i];

return navrat;

Vektor is my class, pole is public variable type: int *pole; Memory is allocated in constructor (using new).
I defined constructor, which fills the vector pole and then writes "Vector born". Copy constructor copies and writes "Vector copyied". Destructor writes "Vector dead".

My main:

Vektor* A = new Vektor;
Vektor* B = new Vektor;
Vektor* C = new Vektor(*A);


And what happens? In console, the program writes: Vector born, Vector copyied, Vector dead, Vector dead. That means Constructor, Copy constructor and twice Desctructor was used. Does anyone know what is really happening in the program?
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