Beginners - March 2011

Unhandled exception at : Access violation writing location 0x00000000.
Hello I have this error, Trying to read a string and a int from an input file. I have this ERROR: Unhandled exception at 0x5885e42e (msvcr100d.dll) in Proyect...
[2 replies] Last: It would have worked if he had actually allocated memory for those cha... (by hanst99)
by Smitty
How would I create a simple program..?
..using this as a header file included in the program. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; bool calcStdDev ...
[1 reply] : Add the following line: int main() {} That's all that is needed fo... (by Athar)
global new type???
Hi, i am new in c++, I have a console project in Visual c++ 2010, I need a structure like: typedef struct { unsigned char header; float fdata ; }PA...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Disch the info was very useful (by marlym014)
constructor parameters
Hi, from looking at this: class example { public: int boo; example() : boo(56) { } }; example character; int main() { cout <<
[14 replies] Last: Thanks :) all of the explanations helped. (by TpOreilly)
v long integers, fractions
hello, I just started learning c++. As a starting example I wanted to calculate n! of some integer n. Unfortunately factorials get very large even for sma...
[3 replies] Last: thank you athar, thats what I was looking for, now I have to find out ... (by Halozination)
Need help here..
I can't figure out how to solve it.. hope anyone can give me a hint on it.. urgent.. here's the ques - with a complete program which reads floating point numbe...
[2 replies] Last: Maybe start with the first part. a complete program which reads floa... (by Mathhead200)
by Gio
#IND error
How do you fix an #IND error? I'm trying to make a console program to do the quadratic formula but this appears after each calculation. Thanks.
[4 replies] Last: I use cl.exe (VC++) and have never had (or tried) this before. However... (by Mathhead200)
by xbs22x
Simple Code Help
I would like to thank anyone who takes the time to read this and can help me in any way possible. What I have in hardware is a de-bounced push-button that, w...
[no replies]
How to create an SFML image as a global
Hey there I am having a frustrating problem with my Asteroids game in which the dynamically created EnemyShip class seems unable to draw its own sprite (but wil...
[5 replies] Last: The Image never gets drawn because the File never gets loaded. The mai... (by Computergeek01)
by T3ch
Differences using char* and std::string
Hello, I've been programming for a couple years now, and through out my article readings and code snippet browsing, i have often seen things like: char*...
[8 replies] Last: Really I only use arrays for lookup tables / constants. I tend to use... (by Disch)
by heidiK
when to use which STL container?
Hello all Can anyone please guide me when to use which STL container? Regards
[3 replies] Last: I have just found a link :-) (by heidiK)
Check Writing
I'm working on a program that translates numbers into words (English). I have majority of the program done, but I am stuck on the main part. Would anyone give m...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, I'll check it out. :) (by SFX9901)
Poker Game in C++
Hi Guys. Here I have A Simple Poker game. The thing is I want to make so that program will show only one hand of five cards. And show whether I have ace, pair, ...
[no replies]
by heidiK
Time Difference
Hello everyone Could anyone please tell me how do I find the TIME difference between any given number of times based on certain condition? e-g Find the...
[4 replies] Last: ok :-) (by heidiK)
Help With Tree Building
Hi, i am currently trying to program a consensus tree program, however i keep encountering the exception Unhandled exception at 0x0021ada8 in TreeBuild.exe: 0xC...
[2 replies] Last: This is a test function used to re root the the tree at a particular n... (by deathscythe86)
are ints faster than booleans
Why is GLboolean(in Open GL) an unsigned char? I thought booleans were supposed to be faster, as logically they take less memory. Anyway I've talked to a fri...
[1 reply] : My guess: Open GL is a C library, meaning the boolean data type is no... (by webJose)
by rever
global class
Hi! I created a method which deletes a pointer from a array of pointers and then moves all the subsequent pointers one position to the left. This is the code...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome! Templates are our friends! ;) (by kooth)
Getting started with game programming
Self-explanatory: I want to get started with programming games. Since I want to focus as much on gameplay programming as possible, I'd like libraries or - prefe...
[2 replies] Last: IMO Allegro 4 is the easiest game library, though I'm currently moving... (by rocketboy9000)
I need to make this game, very simple. Could you give some tips? What should I do? I think I need to use char tictactoe Players: Me and pc And what next?...
[1 reply] : Computer put X or O with random number, that mean I need to use rand()... (by Aurelius)
by clomer
header file error
Hi, Im having trouble implementing a built in container in a class with a small program im making. Im probably making a stupid mistake but cant figure it out...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, it was just the std::vector. The program compiles fine and ... (by clomer)
March 2011 Pages: 123... 52
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