by sparki
R-value references and move semantics
[1 reply] : I assume you can figure out that it's calculating fibonacci numbers, s... (by dutch)
by FreeSocks
Crossroads city problem
[2 replies] Last: @Handy Andy Thank you for your reply. I wrote it really quick and did... (by FreeSocks)
by sturk
C++ template metaprogramming
[1 reply] : You can think of a template as instructions for the compiler to figure... (by Repeater)
by gongong
how to count each letter in each word
[14 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <map... (by lastchance)
by gongong
how to print
[5 replies] Last: Hello gongong , No. "std::cin.ignore()" and "std::ws" may appear to ... (by Handy Andy)
by yup2
Subtracting two objects (overloading -)
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for going in-depth!! I definitely understand it bett... (by yup2)
by StephBeni5
Initializing Array from a Class
[4 replies] Last: Oh I see what I did wrong now-- thank you so much! (by StephBeni5)
by coderking
almost done making a mini greeting code pls help.
[8 replies] Last: Thanks everyone (by coderking)
From arrays to vectors |
[6 replies] Last: :) Way on the other side. Only further east one can go from here is th... (by Niccolo)
How to build n bit with 1? |
[5 replies] Last: Oops! I forgot that. constexpr uint64_t repeat_one( int n ) { ret... (by Duthomhas)
by coderking
guys i really need help i am not able make my code work
[8 replies] Last: It seems that you are having troubles with nested conditional branches... (by fiji885)
by coderking
just a doubt guys but pls answer.
[12 replies] Last: Oh my God I am sorry Miss,pls don't take this for rude talk ma'am forg... (by coderking)
Understanding problem |
[13 replies] Last: When I wrote my version, I used std::optional : std::optional <std... (by Duthomhas)
by Bopaki
I cannot fiqure out what is wrong with this code
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much salem c!!! its all sorted out now (by Bopaki)
by PeterParis
Which GNU g++ compiler
[7 replies] Last: Hello Duthomhas Big thanks for the Code::Blocks link, but i think i... (by PeterParis)
by kingjames6
[3 replies] Last: Hello kingjames6, I have been trying to figure out your program all d... (by Handy Andy)
by gongong
how do i write a function
[6 replies] Last: thanks guys!!! all these things are super helpful!! my homework is now... (by gongong)
by YeetParadox
Generating random numbers
[5 replies] Last: like that Like that is not between . [7, 8] and ]7, 8[ makes a ... (by MikeStgt)
by coderking
Pls guys i need help with this irritating code
[1 reply] : Don't make a new post for the same question: (by zapshe)
Reading in a file and then displaying the contents |
[3 replies] Last: well , you may check that the file does open an throw an exception st... (by ne555)