Beginners - June 2014 (Page 43)

Intro C++ formatting help!
I have posted a small part of my code for what I need help on. I am in an intro to C++ class right now and I have to ask the user for the number of tick...
[1 reply] : You might try the following windows only solution to manipulate the sc... (by AbstractionAnon)
by yepMe
Need to understand the logic of word count
Hi Tech gurus, I am very new to c++ , I have started learning c++ using "thinking in c++", and I am practicing the questions. the 3rd question of the 1st ch...
[19 replies] Last: thanks a lot... i made it work now... i have understood also the logi... (by yepMe)
by CDavis
arrays with dice game
I have a problem that i'm trying to solve using arrays. The problem is very detailed to where I can only use 1 printf statement and I need to find out how many...
[2 replies] Last: Example: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> #defin... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Need help with Errors on line 58
for line 58 i am getting the following errors. Error 1 error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::string' (or ...
[5 replies] Last: Your if statements are defective. e.g. Line 9: What does the relati... (by AbstractionAnon)
Questions about c++: classes
Let's say we have a class with a variable of name. When you create two objects and give both a name, does this create two copies of that variable? Example: ...
[6 replies] Last: In your example info class, I'm not sure why you would want name to be... (by AbstractionAnon)
arrays and pointer
Hey guys, I am working on a project that has a bunch of arrays and pointers. The program reads students from a classroom and every students has 10 different qui...
[6 replies] Last: yeah I changed it to void fillArray to this: void fillArray( int ... (by jellybean)
So if I have "", "", and "", "", and 8 other in a String called 'fact'. How do I create a code that will h...
[16 replies] Last: is there any way I can do it without removing the quotes? Enter site ... (by MiiNiPaa)
What I am doing wrong? Map
I have a file filled up website and their IP address I need to hash them using map and then ask the user for a website and output the IP address # i...
[1 reply] : 1) your code assumes that your site and IP are separated by one or sev... (by MiiNiPaa)
Understanding the vocab
Hello again everyone! I have what some may think of as a rather weird question. I would like to know how coders/programmers learn the vocab of c++. For exam...
[4 replies] Last: pulls out functions and words and the like seemingly from no where As... (by MiiNiPaa)
by msrt92
Struct With New.... Dynamic
how I can access struct array in any other function .. like in this program i want to access in GetData function.. Help me.. #include<iostream.h> /*...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all of you.. (by msrt92)
by CDavis
Ok so I have an assignment that i'm having a rough time with. Now I have the array outputting correctly but I need to use an if statement to add in the (\n) or...
[2 replies] Last: You can initialize col to 1 before the loop and increment it inside th... (by machinafour)
How much C++ syntax do you need to know?
I was thinking that experienced c++ programmers surely don't memorize every single detail of syntax of the language. My guess is that what is most important is ...
[7 replies] Last: experienced c++ programmers surely don't memorize every single detail... (by AbstractionAnon)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::regex_error' what(): regex_error
Hello! I run this program and receive this message: Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::r...
[2 replies] Last: '/' isn't a delimiter, it's a regular single-character regex atom The... (by Cubbi)
What's wrong with this? (Counting number of words in a sentence)
string sentence; char let; getline(cin, sentence); int countW; for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++) { let=sentence...
[1 reply] : Hope this helps. (by Auroch)
Convert each letter in string from upper case to lower, and vice versa.
Basically, I need to do a program that lets me count the number of letters, numbers, spaces and special characters in an inputted string. Then, said program sho...
[3 replies] Last: @machinafour Oh, I didn't realize that it was that simple, thanks @ci... (by KappaMikey)
How do I add 3-limit attempts for inputting my password?(with code)
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cctype> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> void ...
[1 reply] : Ask in a loop. Correct answer gets you out from the loop immediately.... (by keskiverto)
What's wrong with this? (Counting number of occurences of each letter in a sentence)
Write your question here. string sentence; getline(cin,sentence); int length=sentence.length(); int count ; for(int i=0; i<length...
[2 replies] Last: thanks dude! It works now (by carlplusplus)
Program to "copy" a data file to a new file?
My professor gave us an assignment. "Write a program to copy a data file "lab01.dat" to a new file "lab01.out" The lab01.dat is just a link on his page. You c...
[4 replies] Last: There are many ways to copy. For examples, websearch "C++ FileIO Copy... (by keskiverto)
Wiered Behavious of of seekg() and getc()
In my following code I'm trying to read a file named "forward.txt" and output on console "character by character" all the characters in reverse order but what h...
[7 replies] Last: Well this code worked /* 1. Comments saying console are just user c... (by danicpp)
game exp question
so I was wondering what type of function i would use to set a steady increase for a experience / level up system i did 8 * 1.25 in a program 100 times to get...
[3 replies] Last: It is not unusual to make first several levels exp requirement hardcod... (by MiiNiPaa)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 4142434445... 48
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