Beginners - June 2014 (Page 45)

binary to decimal
hi friends!. I am beginer c++ programmer and i have problem with converting binary to decimal. please give me easiest code to converting . thanx
[6 replies] Last: oh i forget it ! i'm tired too ! ;) (by unicornian)
Guess the number game
Hey, i need help with my homework. The assignment is to create a game which generates a number between 1-100 and then you have to guess it, after each guess the...
[3 replies] Last: Two things First off Don't make code using variables whose names are ... (by frozened)
Roguelike wont draw character movement in array
if you compile this program and test out the arrow keys it appears like nothing is happening. but pay attention to how many presses you make and move the charac...
[6 replies] Last: You are not drawing anything in your loop either. So you will not see ... (by MiiNiPaa)
I need Help Please!!!
Hello everyone,i have just recently started studying c++, i was trying to create a simple banking program that prompts the user to enter his/her name,account nu...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for the hints,i will try to work on it and give you some fee... (by SteepDepth)
C++ open source project to learn from
Hi. I've been learning C++ at my own pace, and now I feel that I'd like to look at other people's code and learn from there. I'm looking for an open source pr...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Northern)
trouble overloading operator * with a friend function for a class object and a double on xcode
Hi, I am going through the book C++ Primer, I am currently doing the programming exercises of chapter 11. I have troubles with exercise 4. My answer is exact...
[12 replies] Last: You are right, even though in this case the error message was misleadi... (by ines6375)
Scope issue with vector of pointers (std)
I'm sure this question has been addressed already - I just can't find it anywhere (in a form I can understand). I also know that many recommend the use of smart...
[4 replies] Last: They're similar... but your vector is not a pointer. It just contain... (by Disch)
Linking library for every project
Hello, how can I set up libraries to be linked with all projects present and future? I am using codeblocks with win7 gcc compiler. Thanks.
[3 replies] Last: Anyone? (by chamburger)
Wwhere can i convert a word in to a cout word. for example the word "ROUGE!" can be translate or convert to: cout << " ___ ___ _ _ ___ ____ ___ \n"; cout <...
[2 replies] Last: Seems similar to this thread: (by long double main)
by Auroch
Switch statement
Hello! I am trying put a string to the file "test.dat" using "switch". File exist and empty. Program shows Enter a string (CR to quit) I start typing the stri...
[5 replies] Last: @Chervil. I wrote But it is necessary to realize algorithm of the pro... (by Auroch)
Help for vowels!
/*The program prompts the user to enter a sentence, count the number of vowels, display the length of the sentence and count the number of each vowels.*...
[3 replies] Last: Here is the correct program, I've bolded what I've changed into your o... (by DareNow)
by MJP12
Two-dimensional Array. Inputting the arrays into the code
I am trying to create a program that allows the user to input 6 quiz grades for x number of students. X being up to 300 students. you also have to be able To c...
[1 reply] : An average would be the total points achieved by all students on a qui... (by wildblue)
by Typ
Rolling a Dice and counting Results
Hey everybody, I just a wrote a procedural C++ Program which "rolls a dice" and counts the amount of 1,2,3,4,5 or 6. For some reason, it doesn't work......
[3 replies] Last: Wow that was FAST :) Thank you very much ! And yeah, using srand() ... (by Typ)
by Blank
i am currently working on my project which is supposed to convert U.S currency to the country the user selected. i have run into some problems and icant compile...
[2 replies] Last: You'll need to #include <iomanip> to use the setprecision() function. ... (by wildblue)
Using default parameters
design a program that would get and validate in the main function the following input: 1) The tuition amount ( not to exceed 2000) 2)The GPA(which must be a...
[3 replies] Last: Start by writing: a value-returning function named computeAID that ta... (by keskiverto)
Passing objects by reference using const
My question is about passing objects to functions by reference. It seems like a function such as save() in my simple example below should be passed an object by...
[2 replies] Last: Great, thanks. I knew there must be a way! (by machinafour)
by Loktd
reading from a file help
I need help getting the output from my file. what is in the file: Car CN 819481 maintenance false None Car SLSF 46871 business tru...
[2 replies] Last: thanks I got it now (by Loktd)
by DblM
The output vector of eight words in the string
Hey all, sorry for my French))) I have a problem, learn from the book, there is a challenge: type the words translate to upper case, fill the vector and displa...
[3 replies] Last: Zhuge Thank you, after I wrote the first post, all made in the liken... (by DblM)
Can I passing const to const reference?
void functionA(const int &number) { cout << number; } functionA(500); When functionA receive 500, Where address of "&number" refer to?
[2 replies] Last: [quote=Stewbond]You can pass a const to a const reference, but it has ... (by cire)
Tictactoe program error
I'm trying to write a tictactoe program. It isnt complete, not even halfway but whenever i try to build it, it shows an error expected primary expression be...
[2 replies] Last: ok thanks (by newtocpludplus)
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