by CDavis
finding lowest grade of a 2D array
[1 reply] : Why do you need a 2D array for a list of grades? Someone could help if... (by Ganado)
by Ganado
Question about pointers/address addition
[2 replies] Last: Alright, thanks for the quick reply. (by Ganado)
by JasonMcG
[14 replies] Last: You should be assigning the values that pointers are pointing to. i... (by Ganado)
by JasonMcG
Creating a function
[1 reply] : I think it would need two passes through the array. First, simply find... (by Chervil)
by p al
Vector of vectors
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much!!! (by p al)
by MeriemMer
[5 replies] Last: That still has logical issues. Line 13. Do not trust that the file ha... (by keskiverto)
by JasonMcG
Star Pyramid Manipualtion (1,2)
[27 replies] Last: Thanks again! (by JasonMcG)
by Arrandale
Is it safe to delete[] of NULL?
[5 replies] Last: That's the whole point of setting pointers to NULL after deletion is t... (by NoXzema)
by yepMe
Concatenating the elements of a vector in a single string
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot to both of you, it's working now , previously the file wa... (by yepMe)
by Romanpozd
Write char array to binary file
[11 replies] Last: If you can fix the autoencoding problem, notepad is going to display t... (by Lowest0ne)
by Hercules
Using individual digits in a number
[2 replies] Last: thanks, works like a charm (by Hercules)
by tdk93
Why is i=i++ undefined behaviour?
[5 replies] Last: Thank you everyone I understand now So there are two separate assignme... (by tdk93)
by phztfte1
Program Not Exiting
[2 replies] Last: Chervil, Thank you I added the if statement, and it works the way I ... (by phztfte1)
Order of calculation |
[1 reply] : what will be calculated first? unspecified. Compiler can calculate ei... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Dizzybee
Converting minutes to hours and minutes with my code
[5 replies] Last: aaaah so that's what was wrong! thank you all for ur help! (by Dizzybee)
by Nallebeorn
SIGSEGV when using libtcod (TCODConsole::root->...)
[1 reply] : OK... I managed to solve this as suggested here: http://doryen.eptalys... (by Nallebeorn)
by CDavis
arrays with dice game
[no replies]
by luiqicity
Trying to split an input into two separate strings for two different functions?
[14 replies] Last: Here's how you can do it: void GetInput() { string input, word, a... (by a k n)
by Xylotron
A Little Help PLEASE!!! (C++)
[4 replies] Last: The way I would recommend approaching this is to avoid the use of the ... (by Chervil)
by skadush
Trailing Return Types
[4 replies] Last: I see.. Now i get it. Thank you very much MiiNiPaa. Helps me alot. (by skadush)