Beginners - June 2014 (Page 12)

Why do you use pointers in function( int* () )
In code below you can see that we use for example int *something (int *pointer) why is this really used for? I mean isnt: int something (int *pointer) ok...
[5 replies] Last: Don't read Jumping into C++, sure it's a good book for beginners but t... (by Uk Marine)
Please help!!!
I'm 13 and I know the basics of c++. I know variables, cout and cin. I can make very simple arithmetic rules and I can only make console applications. I have ma...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help!! (by potatoGuy)
multidimensional Array
Hello every one , iam new user here , i have question about multidimensional array , can it hold different data type in its elements? for example the first el...
[1 reply] : No, they have to be same. (by Jakee)
by Tita
Copy a binary file in another binary file
Hi! Firstly, I'm french and I don't speak and write very well english langage. So sorry for the faults of langage. Recently, i'm in intership in a company...
[5 replies] Last: It works.I was in this problem during 2 days, it's so long!! But know ... (by Tita)
by h4ever
class/struct error - C2628: 'OPTIONS' followed by 'int' is illegal (did you forget a ';'?)
I am trying to create struct within class OPTIONS #include <vector> // options generated from command line is stored here class OPTIONS { s...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by h4ever)
String function
for a const char*, we could use stricmp() this function to compare two variable . What kinds of function I can use for c++ std::string to compare string variabl...
[5 replies] Last: thx both (by csbs5c26)
What did i do wrong about nested if?
Nested if not working and it's not showing the message. If i type 'W' there's nothing and the message is not showing. #include <iostream> #include <strin...
[3 replies] Last: move the brace "}" on line 39 to line 22 or lose all the braces - n... (by tipaye)
by Ganado
Class function needs to access the properties of the "aggregrate" class it belongs to
Okay so this might be long since I have the program separated into multiple files, but I want to know if I'm doing this the "right" way before going any further...
[5 replies] Last: With the reference you can just forget about addresses and de-referenc... (by tipaye)
Long string
Hi everyone. I need more help. I am have to write a program that reads a list of strings until the word "end" appears and returns the longest string from the in...
[7 replies] Last: I'm talking about C Thank you. and why did you omit the part that ... (by Chervil)
Enhanced for loop
[This question is more about java than C++, but thanks to this last one I began to think more deeply] Is that possible to change the values of array using an e...
[1 reply] : In short: no (by MiiNiPaa)
PPP Chapter 12 Converting ifstream to bool
Hello, I am currently almost finished with the task of setting up FLTK for the book Programming Principles and practice. I have sucessfully installed FLTK 1.1....
[4 replies] Last: I always thought that return will try to explicitely convert value to ... (by MiiNiPaa)
OpenGL Transform
Hi, In opengl, it is said that, always scale first then translate. But in the below code it is not working. It only works if translate is called before sca...
[2 replies] Last: That's why I have provided the full code. Answer is not required anym... (by Lexical)
role of const
Please explain the role of const in both code portions and role of *this as this points to member of parent class. 1) int name() const {} 2) void ...
[1 reply] : That sounds like a homework question. Besides, the code fragment lack... (by keskiverto)
Traverse a Linked List from the beginning
So I have a linked list with multiple elements in each list that are read in from a file. So far I have got the list to store all the info. But my problem is I ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, You're quite right, one of the newNode->next = NULL; doesn't n... (by tipaye)
memory allocation using new
When we allocate memory using new, where it is allocated in heap or stack? Please tell me the difference between heap and stack?
[2 replies] Last: new allocates to the heap. As a counter to Herb Sutter Free-store ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
using STL containers and templates, how to write a program that stores the Fibonacci sequence up until the nth number and the summation and also the index numbe...
[2 replies] Last: The people here would be glad to help you, but you're gonna have to gi... (by Ganado)
Pointer to a 2D array; to put "x"
How could I put a random x, inside the 2d array? thanks! #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char* GameMap = {"|","-"...
[6 replies] Last: lol, I didn't even see Little Bobby Tables post, it's so small. not th... (by youare29)
by mehak
sequential search(Search and Insertion)
sequential search(search and insertion) #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int key; int record; node *link; }; typed...
[12 replies] Last: thnx alot :) (by mehak)
how to make my program to store each SSN
hello everybody, this is my first post on here and I need some help with my program. I know it is late notice as my HW is due tonight by 12 AM CT; I am having t...
[4 replies] Last: ok I did everything that you did. I even changed the arguments for the... (by coolman22)
by sime
Functions and Factorials why to type return?
If I type return faktorijel(rezultat,broj-1); for 5 result is just 120 and if I type: faktorijel(rezultat,broj-1); without return for number 5 output is...
[6 replies] Last: RECURSION, GENIUS! (by iQChange)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 48
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