Beginners - June 2014 (Page 11)

by lays
problem about lambda.
I am learning Lambda expression, why the output is still 7. It seems the lambda hasn't change the value. int x=7; [&x](){x=5;}; cout << x; cin.get(); My i...
[3 replies] Last: thx alot. (by lays)
passing Multidimensional Array to a function!
Hi every one i learned how to pass one dimensional array to a function, i did the same way with two dimensions but i failed . can any one help me with this i...
[7 replies] Last: Many thanks , i have better understanding about the MD Arrays and pass... (by maher12)
by mehak
wat does it mean "floating point format not linked"?
[1 reply] : Googling would probably prove informative. This doesn't really have a... (by cire)
put a global var into string
hello i really need a little help... i dont know if people in here are the type of keeping knowledge or information for themselves so my apologies if iam hu...
[7 replies] Last: The only place where Google finds {getlocalvar,setlocalvar,jumptobranc... (by keskiverto)
by mehak
&& operator
as far as in know,if the left hand side of && evaluates false then the right handside of it doesnt get evaluated,then how cum j is incremented to 3? #includ...
[4 replies] Last: thnx alot :) (by mehak)
G++/MinGW not compiling right...
I've searched everywhere for a solution to this, but to no avail. To be clear and to save time, I've already tried: Uninstalling/reinstalling MinGW (w...
[4 replies] Last: Well, I'm stumped. Maybe try using procmon to see what g++ is doing wi... (by helios)
Cout getting ignored
My cout is getting ignored. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { while(true){ int bugs,order; cout<<endl<...
[6 replies] Last: Don't forget to flush. cout << "good\a" << flush; Hope this helps.... (by Duthomhas)
by zionet
How to deploy all solutions of a Diophantine equation.
How to deploy all solutions of a Diophantine equation, knowing that x1, x2, x3 ... xn, and x1, x2, x3 are integers example 3 = 1 +1 +1 3 = 2 +1 +0 3 = 2...
[1 reply] : I guess the algorithm would have to use nested for loops or recursion.... (by Gkneeus)
by kuniv
Please help me with this program
I have to write a program that does the following: Write a program that reads a string and outputs the number of times each lowercase vowel appears in it. You...
[2 replies] Last: okay thank you (by kuniv)
Need help adding a loop.
So i have this program that calculates costs of long distance calls. Regular rate for a call is 0.10 per minute Any call started at or after 1800 hours(6pm) bu...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I got it working wonderfully. Appreciate the help. (by Rashad2)
Reading multiple key states with Win32 API
I am trying to use Win32 API to get key states, but when I press too many keys at once it seems to ignore some of the keys. I have tried using GetAsyncKeyState ...
[8 replies] Last: I used wasd in my program and it fixed the issue. It must be my keyboa... (by WyntrHeart)
I have three classes: memoryList, memoryNode, monthlyRainFallValues. memoryNode has a function getValue(), then the monthlyRainFallValues has the gets function...
[6 replies] Last: > My understanding is that you can put some code in the header, as lon... (by ne555)
Bars of service on a cell phone
Program is supposed to display asterisks or blank space depending on the user's input to show the bars of service on a cell phone. I need the "bars" to face the...
[no replies]
Program 15
1)Implement square() without using the multiplication operator; that is, do the x*x by repeated addition (start a variable result at 0 and add x to it x times)...
[3 replies] Last: int square(int n) { int n=0; n is already defined by the parame... (by Ganado)
Getting a not-initialized error but there's nothing to be initialized! Or so I think ?
Hello ! I'm working on this code for practice and (yes I know it's messy please ignore all the if-statements I'm trying to keep it in simple [and therefore r...
[4 replies] Last: THANK YOU to the both of you!! It's fixed. I'll keep in mind for futur... (by NookLines)
Passing Arrays
why is is that i get the " expected primary-expression before ']' token " for my code i cant seem to find the problem ? #include <iostream> #include <c...
[6 replies] Last: Okay Guys figured it out Thanksa Alot for your help !! Appreciate it! (by sidthekid2014)
Trying to make my first 4-way calculator..
I have recently started learning C++, I do not have much experience with it but I believe I have the basics down. The code below is supposed to output a spec...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. I am still very new to this, got 1 hour of experience :P. (by Whezolor)
by Jakee
Pointers and References (trying to clear some things up)
I know the difference between pointers and references, pointers point to the objects address in memory while references are another name for a variables. Let...
[2 replies] Last: I guess what confuses you is that & is used for two different things. ... (by Peter87)
In this program I am attempting to write a squaring program. The user enters an integer and it squares the number if it is a number greater than 0. I want to ...
[3 replies] Last: I was going about this all wrong, I created an exception class and ca... (by DEnumber50)
Getting random value from function
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong :( My code is below, it keeps giving me a huge negative number for the total sales and avrg quarterly sales. Once I put th...
[8 replies] Last: Haha wow I got to retrying this code and your pointer was VERY useful!... (by NookLines)
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