Beginners - June 2012 (Page 41)

by Ronny
Cannot make .exe file in VC++ 03
Help me creating .exe file in vc++ 03 . Iactually built the source in "Release" mode but i cannot find any executable in "Release directory" of project. Can any...
[no replies]
get user input
would some one be so kind to explain me how to get user input in the example the part that i want is at the end where i commented #include <cstdlib> #include...
[6 replies] Last: thanks now it works. (by Kronolynx)
by leeto
Template Method Pattern
I a little bit stack with my exercise, please help. Many thanks in advance. Wording of assignment: Polymorphism Template Method Pattern In this exercis...
[2 replies] Last: Function Print shall not be virtual. Only function ToString shall be v... (by vlad from moscow)
Performance Optimization With Checking for user input (Keyboard/Mouse Input)
Hey there!, Alright, well my question is "What is your way of getting keyboard input from a user" I am programming small programs that need to check if certa...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=Include Syntax]Is there a way to do a switch so when I do let g... (by Peter87)
class MyClass { public: MyClass(); virtual ~MyClass(); // Variables sf::Clock mClock1; MyStuff::Clock mClock2; }; What would ...
[1 reply] : How would you possibly manipulate sf::Clock with this? Your questio... (by Moschops)
[help] change all 4-letter string to 'love'
So the assignment is changing all 4-letter word to 'love', for example if my input is "Ice cube cold" It'll give output : "Ice love love" The thing is,...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! It works! I never thought that string format can be checked pe... (by kaastengel)
Why do you need "include" files when using OpenGL
So I have been programming in c++ for a few months now and have just started in Game Development using OpenGL as my Graphics API. When I am setting up my projec...
[2 replies] Last: Remember, the #include directive causes the compiler to open another s... (by codeFoil)
by jPytlo
Bitwise operators and bit manipulation question!!!
Hello, I am kinda new to C++ programming and i have a question about bitmanipulation and bitwise operators. I understand how to use bitwise operators (ie. & ^...
[7 replies] Last: Pay thousands to go to university...Get taught better and learn more o... (by jPytlo)
by chewbp
Scientific notation
Is that anyway I can output 1.23e+3 instead of 1.23e+003 when I use the scientific notation?
[no replies]
C++ array implementation
This code here is what i have so far. What i need to do is to store the data of file(which is all the way in the bottom ) in an array of . Can someone please ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include ... (by VolcanoWolcano)
by Ajay11
How to load file into array of structs line by line?
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; struct Item...
[1 reply] : I figure out how to use the .substr command to parse the inFile string... (by Ajay11)
by cdf
overloading << to accept any primitive type
I have a class where I need to overload the << operator. However, when compiling, I get an error stating there is not match for the << operator. The line pro...
[2 replies] Last: I guess I wanted to do something in the wrong way. The class is suppos... (by cdf)
Read text file and Calculate daily flows by date
I'm trying to sort and calculate a huge text file. I'd like calculate the daily flow by month/year first. and then also for Annual along with the station co...
[no replies]
How do i make my code end with Ctrl+c
how can i make my game end if I hit ctrl+c here is my code. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <stdlib.h> // You might be able to get away w...
[1 reply] : Definitely didn't need to post all of that for your question. I didn't... (by ResidentBiscuit)
What kind of certification do I need?
I was looking into starting a basic computer maintenance business to get some extra cash. And if it picks up, maybe it will replace my current part time job. Vi...
[1 reply] : This is more of an IT topic rather than programming, which is what we ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by cdf
class as cout (ostream)
I need to code a class that behaves as a cout (or is used instead of a cout). The class is constructed by getting a reference to a cout - so it would be Cla...
[1 reply] : Turns out this is a duplicated post: (by shacktar)
Help me!
Write a procedure that counts the number of words in a string. errors about my functions #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <...
[13 replies] Last: Its still not counting up.the amount of words.ugh so frustrating (by stebon12)
by fayska
dinamic arrays of classes
I'm sorry, guys if i cann't post my code it's written in my language, but i have serious problem... what i want to do looks like this code i need to do one t...
[4 replies] Last: i use derived classes, that's the biggest, problem Indeed, let's st... (by Cubbi)
C: Min & Max via a Sentinel
I'm trying to create a C program which keeps taking in integer values until the number 0 is entered (the sentinel value). The "taking in" part is easy, but conf...
[2 replies] Last: You can introduce a boolean variable that will indicate that minimal v... (by vlad from moscow)
Question about arrays of dynamically sized data structures
Since arrays are supposed to be blocks of contiguous, non-dynamic memory, how do arrays of strings, classes, and non-fixed size data structures work?
[1 reply] : Afaik classes are still fixed size, std::string, std::vector, etc.. li... (by naraku9333)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 51
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