Beginners - June 2012 (Page 32)

by josan
Whats wrong
Please i don´t know whats wrong, i need make a "FOR" but don´t do it. #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> ...
[10 replies] Last: Hi there, Then you would need for (x=0;x<20;x++) , currently you onl... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Function .. please explain
Hi Guys, i would like to know how this program works as i could not understand it from the book or give me more clarification on this. #include <stdio.h>...
[11 replies] Last: T.T How about this, aside from just saying my way is wrong, why not s... (by Volatile Pulse)
problem: input and display an integer
for the following code: #include <stdio.h> main() { int i ; do { printf("Nhap i: "); fflush(stdin); scanf(" %d ", &i); ...
[4 replies] Last: Something along these lines char line gets(line); i =atoi(line); if(... (by spaggy)
What are these variables?
Well what do all of these mean in windows programming please!? Sorry, but I have no clue!? HINSTANCE HWND TCHAR PSTR HDC WORD LPTSTR LRESULT UIN...
[2 replies] Last: Thankyou very much! (by closed account iNU7ko23)
Runtime ?
This is a rookie question...What is meant by C++ runtime? I heard someone say "we don't have the luxury of a c++ runtime on this system". And how does it differ...
[3 replies] Last: Run-time is a time-frame that begins at the point of program initialis... (by closed account zb0S216C)
2 doesn't execute after 1- runtime error
The second time this program is run, meaning after inputting 'y' to "Would You Like To Try The Program Again? (y/n): ", it doesn't output the picture. I solved ...
[8 replies] Last: The presence of the third parameter is invalid. int main(int argc, ch... (by vlad from moscow)
by mekki
read tiff images
hi, i need a routine to readout pixel-intensities from tiff images and store the values. thx mekki
[3 replies] Last: I've used boost.GIL (although mostly to create images, not to analyze ... (by Cubbi)
Right-associative (*, ++)
My source tells me that the * operator (i.e. the dereference operator) and the ++ operator have the same precedence, and that they are also both right-associati...
[5 replies] Last: I would use parenthesis to make sure it's gonna do that job in the rig... (by S G H)
by ipad7
Search txt file...
In the searchPhoneNumber i want to the user to type in Company name and if found display number and what line it was found on! If not found output "not found" P...
[6 replies] Last: You'd need to open a stream to the file using ifstream fs(filename) ... (by spaggy)
hi guys. i'm still a beginner in c++ . I have a problem in my code. The Products entered after Product 1 overwrites the prices/stock/sold/left in product. How c...
[6 replies] Last: I have to agree with what Moschops said too about the try-catch thing.... (by Volatile Pulse)
Converting a list to a map??
Hello, currently Iam have to solve some exercises in C++ . First is, I have to fill a list with 100 random numbers. Then I have to delete all numbers who ar...
[1 reply] : Iam on the right way or not? Not;) If not, what I should do? map is... (by coder777)
by fazer
someone please tell me what I can do to make this compile
also what would be better is explaining what i could do to diagnose how to make this compile when i get errors like this. I'm trying to superclass a window and ...
[8 replies] Last: help plz >_< (by fazer)
Float array
Hi, I need another class to be able to access the value of floats inside an array with a get and set function the array contains 60 elements 6 rows and 10...
[2 replies] Last: i was struggling in passing the array to the function. i just needed ... (by rafae11)
FIND X Prime number
Hi I have seen many topics on prime numbers. But not what I am trying. I am trying to write a program where the user inputs a number , this number is X prime...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for the Tips, the test programs are an help My job is a service... (by masinex)
Rearranging a string
I want to know if it's possible after receiving a string with cin, if you can rearrange the individual letters, such as in a name, and then print it back out. ...
[1 reply] : A string is essentially an array. With a little knowledge on string fu... (by Volatile Pulse)
who can do this?
Can someone write a program that prompts the user to input a length expressed in centimeters. The program should then convert the length to inches(to the neares...
[16 replies] Last: I thought I would take up the challenge myself. I did use ints however... (by toomanystars)
se citeste un sir de numere intregi de la tastatura cu care se creeaza o lista dublu inlantuita. sa se scrie un algoritm ce tipareste nodurile in ordinea 1, 3, ...
[5 replies] Last: sau zi-mi macar cum verific daca nodul e par sau impar? (by gyorgyjozsi)
by robi13
Se creeaza o matrice cu n linii si m coloane de numere reale.Sa se creeze o lista dublu inlantuita ce contine elementele de pe linia 1, coloana m, linia n,coloa...
[3 replies] Last: care ii rezultatele? din algoritm? (by robi13)
30 Minutes New :)
Hi Guys! Glad to be here, I am interested in the world of programming and I believe I have found a good forum to help me. This is probably the noobiest questio...
[16 replies] Last: What was your solution? (by Volatile Pulse)
Question about cin operator?? {Beginner}
Much appreciated to anyone to lend me a clue. I've been at this exercise for a few hours and cannot figure out why it will not compile. I've specified the probl...
[4 replies] Last: I don't think cin automatically adds a new line. I believe it just hap... (by Volatile Pulse)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 51
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