Beginners - June 2012 (Page 20)

Attach function
I am having trouble passing in variables in a function. I am passing in 10,20, then 30 into the attach. then run the start and attach 15 after the 10, and my pr...
[no replies]
Implementing Functions in Header File
Hello :) The tutorial I am following has defined a class, then underneath the class (in the same header file) he has defined some (constant) variables, ove...
[1 reply] : If the functions are templates or inline they have to be defined in th... (by Peter87)
by bitani
References - Are they even a variable?
I'm currently reading a book on C++, and I like to understand how things work fully or else they just don't make sense to me. Say I do: int a = 5; int &i...
[2 replies] Last: If the C++ standard doesn't say anything about it, then I suppose it's... (by bitani)
by pagola
an aray of pointers
how does one set an array of pointers to be empty. I have declared a char array with the following syntax char fisrtname =""; and when i cout this it is empt...
[2 replies] Last: The simplest way in C++ is char *gettype = {}; (by vlad from moscow)
Defining a Pointer
Hello guys, A very small syntax question. I want to declare a pointer p. Are the two declarations below identical actually? int* p; VS int *p;
[5 replies] Last: It is invalid statement. In the both cases only p will be declared as... (by sargon94)
Trouble with Classes
Trying to get ahead this summer with C++ and I ran into some problems when writing a simple class program. Here are the two files in my project Training 5....
[10 replies] Last: sweet action, after trying out a few of those I ended up with the orwe... (by Logfritz)
by luuksa
Need help with SMS API
So, here's the thing, I need to make an application that receives SMS from mobile phone (via 3G, Wi-Fi) and I need to store received data in database or some so...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply and sorry for my "late" reply. I'll go through tu... (by luuksa)
If and else if in a while loop
Hi there I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int number; int a=0; srand(...
[2 replies] Last: Oh lol this just happened to me on another program as well. This is ki... (by fuerchter)
Turning a whole array into an entity for another!
hey guys, so I am creating an address book for practice. But I need some help with arrays. So when the user goes to add a new contact it will ask them for a few...
[13 replies] Last: Ok, I think I got it int he if statement I couldn't do if(currentLocat... (by curscascis)
Checking suitable characters for a URL
In Accelerated C++ section 6.1 pg 107 (for those who have it to hand) there is a function that returns true when passed a character that cannot be part of a URL...
[4 replies] Last: I'm not sure I like the double-negatives. If isalnum is necessary, ma... (by Veltas)
actuall number contained within the pointer
in tutorial of pointers i found out that a pointer actually contains the "id of memory cell" how can i get that number? and store it in double variable? for...
[13 replies] Last: Well, honestly I said it in a kind of firing a gun at a mountain kind ... (by Veltas)
Sorting values
Hello, I have a question about sorting the values inside vectors; I have three vectors V1,V2,and V3, in order to sort the elements ineach vector I know that ...
[1 reply] : Well, for one thing you could define your own comparison operation on ... (by Veltas)
by leeto
Template. Numerical Array.
I what to implement to my Template operator * . So, Very simple idea. There is <Template> Array which purpose is container like vector for classes There is...
[5 replies] Last: I implement your ideas !!! Everything fine !!! could you check on oth... (by leeto)
Pointer: pointing to choice in switch statement
How would I 'point' (deference) a pointer to something that was selected in a switch statement? I created a pointer and a switch statement. The user selects a...
[6 replies] Last: I'm a fan of unsigned. #include <iostream> using namespace std; vo... (by Veltas)
Converting an alphabet to its position number in the alphabet
Help please I need a simple c++ code that outputs the position of an alphabet e.g that E is position 5 in the alphabet. Here is what i did: #include<iostr...
[2 replies] Last: @iHutch thanks now its working. (by hombakazij)
Panel Chaning Colour
I have just started to learn c++, for a job i am trying to get. I all ready know basic so i know a bit about programming, i am required to make a GUI applicatio...
[no replies]
by wnan42
passing a 2D array in a function
I am a beginner of C++. Any help will be very appreciated! I can successfully compile and run the following code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; vo...
[6 replies] Last: @Stewbond It wasn't THAT invalid. void printMatrix(int matrix ... (by vlad from moscow)
by leeto
Creating <Template>. unknow compile error.
This is study project because of this I don't use code from STL vector. I want to create some program that will be do next: 1. Create object of class for exam...
[4 replies] Last: Many thanks !!!! (by leeto)
How to check if a file exist in a directory
Hi, I've got a problem. User enter a file name, how to check if the file exist or not? Thanks!
[2 replies] Last: I used fopen :) I think it's the easiest way. anw, thanks! (by nhim175)
Need some guidance in learning C++
Folks, i have worked in C, but i wanted master C++ and do some side projects. Provided, i put dedicated effort, how long on a average it would take to master C...
[3 replies] Last: Again, without knowing you previous knowledge, I have no clue what emb... (by Volatile Pulse)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 51
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