Beginners - June 2012 (Page 13)

Error in a vector program
I'm trying to run this simple program in "Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition": #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "stdafx.h" int main(){ st...
[1 reply] : It has something to with prerecompiled headers and stdafx.h. What happ... (by Peter87)
by Tesuch
Best way to handle big array declarations/output
Hey, I've been a fan of this site for a while, and up until this point I've been able to find answers to all my questions, but I'm afraid my problem at this poi...
[3 replies] Last: Hi Tesuch, I can see that your program is really a C program that use... (by TheIdeasMan)
Ugh... what am I doing WRONG! (1,2,3)
Hey. I'm a nerdy bilingual girl xD I've been getting into C++ and have made something I think is really killer :D I want to make a program for learning Japanes...
[42 replies] Last: Okay thanks *Hugs you and smile* You were very informitive (by SamanthaSpeaks)
Updating Variables from a switch
Hi there! In school, we have to make this kind of simulation of an ATM using C++. Its almost done but I have one problem. I have a starting balance of 100,...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, this block is definitely unneccessary: if (choice == 1) { ... (by korshyadoo)
filestream help
Is there a way to create different files in a loop? ex. a1.txt ,a2.txt ,a3.txt .
[3 replies] Last: This function ... (by ne555)
c++ code help (noob)
hi guys im new to programming but i would like to know if you guys can help me with some code. im trying to write a program that asks for details of a car and s...
[3 replies] Last: With namespace std, if you are just using cout & cin you can have ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Simple Code
The Below Coded Doesn't work #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> Class Ex { public: int a; void get() { cout<<"Enter The Values"; cin>>...
[11 replies] Last: It would be better to have a switch satement rather than a great big i... (by TheIdeasMan)
by kbc08
A couple errors in printmonth program c++
I'm having some trouble figuring out how to fix my errors. Here is my program being used to print a calendar for any year after 1582
[4 replies] Last: Hi kbc08, This first point is a technical style one: using namespa... (by TheIdeasMan)
Troubleshooting with getline statement
Hello all, I've been writing a program that asks the user to input information into a text file and then can pull up information from a certain number of pre...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch! I can' believe that I overlooked that. (by PeterCaya)
C file handling query
write a program in C to implement the following : 1. Application read data from the text file name input.txt the data that will be read in this format N...
[1 reply] : Now I realise that this probably a homework assignment - as such I (no... (by TheIdeasMan)
This home work assignment is kicking my butt. I have to create a program that converts words into phone numbers. The code I have so far does part of what it nee...
[1 reply] : OK, I have a number of questions here. Have you tried to debug your c... (by TheIdeasMan)
Seperate Compilation of Template in Dev C++
Dear All, Let's say I have the following two functions in main.cpp. template<class T> T addition(T a, T b); { return a+b; } template<class TA, ...
[5 replies] Last: Hello coder777 and all, I just tried it out, it seems that putting t... (by boscomanilow128)
includes word
I'm writing a code, and I'm want to have different out comes depending on wether a string includes a certain thing like if (re1 = happy || glad || fine) excep...
[3 replies] Last: I wonder if what you need is a switch statement? This will allow diff... (by TheIdeasMan)
C/C++ behind the scenes and it's interaction with machine itself
Hello there. I'm new on this forum, however I've used it as reference in past in my travels in vast and rich C++ world. I'm reasonably familiar with C++ program...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you ResidentBiscuit and JLBorges for your guidance.. Helped... (by Cpp Wreck)
Linux running an executable in folder
How do you, run an executable from the the terminal once you located it inside the right folder?
[2 replies] Last: Did you mark it as executable? If so, just type this: ./FILENAME (Th... (by Mathhead200)
"Card" is not a type
I am trying to reference a Card struct in a function, but it is telling me it doesn't exist. Could somebody please help me with what the issue is? I declared Ca...
[8 replies] Last: After ages of searching I think I found the error. I had previously de... (by garanon)
Hello every body can any one explain to me what is vector(in prife)? have anice day
[1 reply] : (by Mathhead200)
"int a = 0.05" but "a - 0.05 = 7.45058e-008"
#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; float dolamt; int main() { cout << "Give me an amount less than 1 dollar: "; cin >> do...
[8 replies] Last: Let's take 1/3 as an example. This is ~ 0.33333333 in decimal. If w... (by Stewbond)
I know nothing, HELP :)
Hello, I am just getting into Computer Science, and my school uses C++ as their language. I have no prior knowledge, but I am aware that this is a very stressfu...
[9 replies] Last: I recently got my AA in CS and I'm continuing for a BS. It help if you... (by Mathhead200)
by abaz01
sequence question
hi im trying to write a program in the following sequence: 1+(1/4)+....+(1/n^2) but my program doesnt add the term before the entered term..please help..not ...
[1 reply] : You probably don't want a while-loop and a for-loop for this program. ... (by Mathhead200)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 51
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