Beginners - June 2010 (Page 25)

Using an Array as a Parameter
I'm making a tic-tac-toe game and was wandering if you could pass an array as a parameter? I want to create a header to create a function called drawBoard but n...
[1 reply] : Yep, you can pass it. If you created the array like this: int G... (by jrohde)
Code Blocks IDE variably recognising #include <string>
code in question folllows, error message is that string was not declared in this scope. If i declare a string test, it comes back nd tells me that string dos n...
[4 replies] Last: You shouldn't just add lines to your code when you have no idea what ... (by closed account jwC5fSEw)
spanish program not accepting multiple letters.
i'm making this spanish conjugator for class. and i cant seem to get how to make multiple letter variables. can anyone tell my what i'm doing wrong? it's kin...
[5 replies] Last: i played around with the strings and stuff, and i got it to work. Th... (by igorg95)
string concatenation in C with strcat
Hi, im new to C and experimenting with strings: char *strA = "Hello There"; char *strB = "Good Bye"; char *strC ; ch...
[13 replies] Last: Detail: Problem has already been solved. And that does actually com... (by Albatross)
Setting two structs on the same adress
I'm in need for a little help on how to put 2 bitfield structs on the same adress. It might sound simple but I doesn't get it to work... A simple act of "str...
[7 replies] Last: No! That's exactly what you had before, and this will not work (are... (by Albatross)
cannot re-declare my object
Hey there, i have a problem storing the records in a external file to my array using OOP. here is my code header: #include <fstream.h> const int SIZE=100;...
[9 replies] Last: If for some reason your program cannot open the file, it will exit bef... (by Vexer)
A Polymorphic Pointer
Hello. I have posted here once before, but for those who may not know, my name is Adam and I am a Programming student. I am having issues with understanding why...
[4 replies] Last: Albatross, Athar and filipe, thank you for your help. My code works no... (by feelinGood)
Searching For an Image
I'm relatively new to c++ and am trying to make/find a function that will allow me to search a window/the screen for an image in a file. I can do this using som...
[7 replies] Last: I've used AutoIt and programs like it unfortunately they won't work in... (by captncript)
Looking for C++ for dummies
Thanks for having this forum. I know a little about c++. I am looking for a manual or something that will help me understand the basics of c_++. Thank in ad...
[2 replies] Last: If you want a really thorough introduction to both programming and C++... (by filipe)
Initializing a Reference to a Stream
In my main function I have ifstream str;"test_1.json"); Array2D<3,3> cov = covMatrix(str); Vect<3> mean = meanVect(st...
[2 replies] Last: That is it! Thanks! (by annapob)
by Skico
Boost instalation
After whole day trying to get boost working on my code blocks I still get undefined reference error when I #include <boost\shared_ptr.hpp>. I can link all libra...
[4 replies] Last: No, Im not using binaries. Documentation doest helped much and this is... (by Skico)
by brgms
Optimizing using lower_bound (not working!)
Well, i was trying to optimize this piece of code: list<Nhood>::iterator bd; for (bd = bd_nhood.begin();bd!=bd_nhood.end();++bd) { f=true; for...
[no replies]
by RJC123
weird Dev c++ debug problem
Ok this is kind of strange, im using opengl, and my code seems fine. when i compile the project and run it, it just gives me a black screen, so i debug it. howe...
[4 replies] Last: I would recommend switching to Code::Blocks and a recent version of Mi... (by Athar)
by wasabi
Input-defined function
I'm creating a program that is going to need a function to be defined for each object. I.e: an object representing a line struct line { bool f(pair<fl...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I know. This example is actually absurdly simplified. Hell, the ac... (by wasabi)
dont know how and wich variables use
hello, im new in c++ and im trying to make simple script that will take some info from console and then it must just post it back. the code #include <iost...
[11 replies] Last: You obviously have to check first whether the argument you're trying t... (by Athar)
How to convert a csv file to html table?
Hello friends, I need to convert a csv file into html page in a table format. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
[3 replies] Last: Hi friends, thanks for the replies. They helped me. Regards. (by giovannigiorgio)
by kalel
Simple array
I'm trying to create an array that will allow the user to input the first name and last name and then display the last name first. I wasn't able to find a simil...
[3 replies] Last: cout << "Most directories would list your name as " << lname "," << f... (by crazzyguy101)
by figjam
init-declaration error?
I tried making a code to average 3 numbers but it keeps giving me init-declaration errors for line 3, please tell me what I've done wrong #include<iostream> ...
[12 replies] Last: What compiler generated that executable? If it's an old version of a B... (by helios)
Can i change the value of a reference return?
If i have a class like this: class Foo { private: int inum; public: int & get_value() { return inum; } ... }; then, does this statement change the...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, i see...Thanks! (by akilguo)
Here is the code i have to do this # include <iostream> # include <string> # define MAXSIZE = 300 using namespace std; bool findTitlePrice(string allTit...
[1 reply] : You could make a for() loop that checks the title against each individ... (by bluezor)
June 2010 Pages: 1... 23242526
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