by MottMan
Using an Array as a Parameter
[1 reply] : Yep, you can pass it. If you created the array like this: int G... (by jrohde)
by Blooded
Code Blocks IDE variably recognising #include <string>
[4 replies] Last: You shouldn't just add lines to your code when you have no idea what ... (by closed account jwC5fSEw)
by igorg95
spanish program not accepting multiple letters.
[5 replies] Last: i played around with the strings and stuff, and i got it to work. Th... (by igorg95)
by dave0504
string concatenation in C with strcat
[13 replies] Last: Detail: Problem has already been solved. And that does actually com... (by Albatross)
by melshki
Setting two structs on the same adress
[7 replies] Last: No! That's exactly what you had before, and this will not work (are... (by Albatross)
by windgrey
cannot re-declare my object
[9 replies] Last: If for some reason your program cannot open the file, it will exit bef... (by Vexer)
by feelinGood
A Polymorphic Pointer
[4 replies] Last: Albatross, Athar and filipe, thank you for your help. My code works no... (by feelinGood)
by captncript
Searching For an Image
[7 replies] Last: I've used AutoIt and programs like it unfortunately they won't work in... (by captncript)
Looking for C++ for dummies |
[2 replies] Last: If you want a really thorough introduction to both programming and C++... (by filipe)
by annapob
Initializing a Reference to a Stream
[2 replies] Last: That is it! Thanks! (by annapob)
by Skico
Boost instalation
[4 replies] Last: No, Im not using binaries. Documentation doest helped much and this is... (by Skico)
by brgms
Optimizing using lower_bound (not working!)
[no replies]
by RJC123
weird Dev c++ debug problem
[4 replies] Last: I would recommend switching to Code::Blocks and a recent version of Mi... (by Athar)
by wasabi
Input-defined function
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I know. This example is actually absurdly simplified. Hell, the ac... (by wasabi)
by mokomes
dont know how and wich variables use
[11 replies] Last: You obviously have to check first whether the argument you're trying t... (by Athar)
How to convert a csv file to html table? |
[3 replies] Last: Hi friends, thanks for the replies. They helped me. Regards. (by giovannigiorgio)
by kalel
Simple array
[3 replies] Last: cout << "Most directories would list your name as " << lname "," << f... (by crazzyguy101)
by figjam
init-declaration error?
[12 replies] Last: What compiler generated that executable? If it's an old version of a B... (by helios)
by akilguo
Can i change the value of a reference return?
[2 replies] Last: Oh, i see...Thanks! (by akilguo)
by jaimesharp
[1 reply] : You could make a for() loop that checks the title against each individ... (by bluezor)