by aisakalol
If a Statement happens twice, triggers another statment
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that was a lot of help. (by aisakalol)
by Meezy111
Including a Header file, does not compile
[4 replies] Last: class carddeck { private: const int DECKSIZE; int cardDeck ; publ... (by Enoizat)
by Ninjaclasher
Using the this-> pointer or directly calling the method/accessing the variable
[4 replies] Last: @jlb Yes classes have default private access, however in the snippe... (by longberns)
by akash16
String handling functions
[no replies]
Help Please! Error messages with classes. |
[4 replies] Last: To be more precise, lines 10 and 11 declare the constructors. The act... (by MikeyBoy)
by Bruce34
pushback to a vector in a map<int, vector>
[1 reply] : The return type of push_back(...) is void hence you cannot use it like... (by coder777)
by masterinex
how to test if a command line argument follows a certain regular expression
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <regex> #include <vect... (by JLBorges)
by i773
How should I go about creating this "Factory"
[1 reply] : Make a structure that has both classes and call that structure? May... (by qwertyKeyboard)
by hav206
quadractic probing in hash function
[no replies]
by xxvms
[8 replies] Last: yes found that as well :) thank you (by xxvms)
by keh k lenge
Why cannot compiler find operator<<
[8 replies] Last: The function that I want is not a friend since I am not accessing any... (by Cubbi)
by ETH11674
digital levelization
[3 replies] Last: ok so you need to be sure about that, and if you don't have such a thi... (by jonnin)
by NGC3370
Can you sort a deque collection without using any functions?
[2 replies] Last: silly me, all because of a typo (by NGC3370)
by Enaris
Learing cpp from books
[5 replies] Last: The standard library has std::pair<> , we could directly use it. http... (by JLBorges)
by masterinex
how to use regex_serach with dir->path.extension()
[7 replies] Last: The value type of the filesystem library iterators is directory_entry... (by JLBorges)
by ExSanity
Detecting key press for hotkey?
[1 reply] : Never mind I've figured out how to do it. I thought Keyboard Hooks wou... (by ExSanity)
by Bopaki
I get this error: from 'std::basic_string<char>' to 'bool'
[5 replies] Last: Thanks to everyone. The program now runs fine and gives the correct ... (by Bopaki)
by NGC3370
Extracting email addresses from text file
[4 replies] Last: Thank you soooooo much chervil and jonnin!!! Thank you Chervil it work... (by NGC3370)
by keh k lenge
Polymorphic calls not working!!
[3 replies] Last: Ah, I see. I wasn't expecting it to be in the IsoTriangle class. When... (by Peter87)
by mmgh
Running MPI on Linux
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your reply. I worked on it a little bit more. I think it... (by mmgh)