Beginners - July 2016 (Page 7)

Array with random numbers between 3 to 7. Then reverse them.
I am new to arrays and need some help with making an array that prints out 25 random numbers between 3 to 7, using simple functions. I have the array set up, bu...
[10 replies] Last: (by shadder)
Errors with the lowest and highest value of an array?
I have made a program that makes an array of 25 random number between 3 and 7. It prints it, and also the reverse. I also have attempted to return the min and m...
[1 reply] : (by shadder)
by MAhmed
Array and Loops
Having problem it says "mark is undefined. line #9 #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); for(int a=0;a<3;a++) { printf(...
[10 replies] Last: I don't know C but in C++ you can use dynamic arrays with runtime siz... (by sadij97)
Nothing wrong with this code, i just want a quick explanation on the second and third for loops. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() ...
[16 replies] Last: In a way yes... learning any algorithm is beneficial to you (and ergo ... (by shadder)
LNK2019 error for no reason!
HI This is my header file #ifndef _grid_h #define _grid_h template<typename T> class grid{ private: T** main; int sizev; public: grid...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. Thats how I made it work (by tdm3732)
by MPower
Loop question
Ive been trying to get this loop to work for over an hour and cant figure out why its behaving so weird. If i use a For or While loop the program does not add/m...
[3 replies] Last: If a user does not input a number the die function would output "Fat... (by shadder)
Little help with using basic arrays
Hey guys, I'm learning the ins and outs of arrays now. I understand that the index numbering starts at 0. So in my case index 0 in my code produces a value of 1...
[4 replies] Last: welcome :) (by shadder)
[1 reply] : I think you need two random indexes and swap the items. int a = {'a... (by Thomas1965)
How would I print the largest number in an array and then move it to the end of the sequence?
I have written some code that asks the user how many numbers they want to input. The program then prints that number of statements asking for a number in each n...
[14 replies] Last: Glad it helped :) (by Naughty Albatross)
check values if values in side node are null
I need to check and see if my value inside my node is '\0'. Every time I run the program I get stuck in my while loop when I add more than one character. How c...
[1 reply] : If you don't work with a debugger then you should put out your own deb... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by Leese
Does anyone know if there are any people that can tutor C++ in Scottsdale AZ? This online class work is going way over my head. If anyone can point someone my w...
[no replies]
by Hengry
For my task i am suppose to ask the user and edit and change the .txt file of the ID, title, author, category and number of copies according to the user. I am a...
[1 reply] : Hi, declare the object books and then use it with your functions in... (by shadder)
Displaying scores - Array
I'm having trouble with the last function of this assignment: Make a program that will search through scores of an array and display the scores in descending...
[3 replies] Last: check this link to learn more (by shadder)
Hey guys, how you doing this morning? Well, I've been trying to expand my horizons and use functions I've never used before, and today I decided to give eras...
[7 replies] Last: Well I guess this is the horrific mess I've got as a final solution, a... (by Yawzheek)
by crst94
Editor and compiler for newbie
Hello guys, I'm new to C++,I actualy just started and downloaded a tutorial from the internet(Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days) which said I should download a...
[4 replies] Last: welcome :) (by shadder)
Error in the program I can't find.
Recently I was developing a programming for just learning purpose. The program is about Nested Structure. I wanted to take it a little bit further so I included...
[6 replies] Last: What! I didn't knew that.... Thanks a lot jlb :) (by shadder)
Calendar Help
And problem solved, thanks Nico!!!
[2 replies] Last: Thanks!!! (by Redrover36)
How to stop duplication and make letter input work instead of numbers from keyboard
Having trouble with code here and im a beginner could someone tell me how to make this part of my code stop duplication Put the code you need help with her...
[6 replies] Last: var i; is great for javascript, but it doesn't works with c++, its ... (by shadder)
passing two different strut member variables as const reference to a function
so far i think i'm on the right track, but i'm having trouble outputting one of the other struct member variables, i'm also not sure if i made the other structu...
[4 replies] Last: awesome, thanks for your help! (by hibiscusleaves2544)
I'm not sure what these instructions are asking of me
It's a binary search, bubble search, and sequential search program.
[4 replies] Last: What a good day for the sound not to be working lol. I viewed it thoug... (by FBHSIE)
July 2016 Pages: 1... 56789... 30
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