Beginners - July 2015 (Page 32)

virtual function and abstruct class
Hi I have few qustions that i want please get an answer 1-alway when i want to use on polymorphisem i will must use on virtual distructor on the "father" class...
[1 reply] : 1) Yes, you should declare destructor virtual if you intend to use chi... (by MiiNiPaa)
its a cin.ignore problem, please help
the cin.ignore(); is making the getline(); command loose one character in the name at the first round of the do loop, how do I fix this problem? #inclu...
[6 replies] Last: Thankyou so much, it worked #include <iostream> using namespace st... (by isaacthebro)
by nofish
accessing class member and doing nothing ?
I have this PartsList class from the book I'm currently learning. For understanding context: the PartsList consists of PartNodes. class PartsList { pub...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both. That link is a spot on example, got it. (Actually I'v... (by nofish)
by h4ever
macro name in loop
I have macros (control names) like IDC_T_UCLASS1, IDC_T_UCLASS2, IDC_T_UCLASS3 etc. How to shorten the command in a loop so I could concatenate base name of mac...
[1 reply] : The C preprocessor is not Turing-complete. It doesn't allow iteration.... (by helios)
input value into 2 variables ?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int n; char a ; cin >> a; return 0; } this inputs what the user writes to the array a, but what if...
[5 replies] Last: more shortened way : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int m... (by mohamedeltair)
Changing a const object?
I've come this code and it works so I must be reading it wrong. Critter& Critter::operator=(const Critter& c) does this mean the parameter is constant referen...
[1 reply] : never mind I got it now c isn't being changed, this is being chang... (by shawnlau)
input/output problem
hey guys i want to make a program that is used to enter the information of 11 players in a structure array like that struct players { std::string name; ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by Mahmoud Mansour)
how to
what would be the code to ask enter a command? and if the answer is hello then make it run another .cpp file called hello then after it runs that command it w...
[4 replies] Last: would it have to be a /exe? or could it be another c++ file? How do... (by Gamer2015)
by Filorn
work together
Hi,i'm searching some young programmers for working together (italian if possible, like me). If someone is interested write your email!!
[no replies]
by mindoo
VS error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
Hi everyone, I finished following the winsock tutorial over at msdn and now I'm trying to adapt it in order to make an IRC server using multithreading. I git a...
[6 replies] Last: Sorry, I hadn't noticed I could actually use that in my code. Thanks f... (by mindoo)
Help understand overloading operators
I'm going through an ebook ( "Beginning C++ Through Game Programming." I'm at the point of overloading o...
[2 replies] Last: I'm getting a better understanding, thanks. (by shawnlau)
Behavior of char
Can someone please help, I don't understand why the code below has output likes 1234 abcd1234 but NOT 1234 abcd #include <stdio.h> int main(...
[2 replies] Last: oh, I got it....thanks MiiNiPaa if I changed to test2 = "abcd" , the... (by cookiehim)
by Yulia
Class and its Member Order
I want to know about class. Does class follow the initializing order? i mean how the function run by order that was inside the class? or it only depends on what...
[3 replies] Last: 1) Order of member function in class is unrelevant. You can have destr... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Tarbal
Trouble with find
The following code works to a certain extent, but with 2 exceptions. Here is the code: using namespace std; int main () { std::string searc...
[3 replies] Last: Hey, thanks a lot guys. This is more help than I could have hoped for.... (by Tarbal)
by h4ever
add string to combo box
Write your question here. I have this function which is called when Property Sheet Page is initiated: BOOL Handle_WM_INITDIALOG2(HWND dialog) { LCombo_Fill(...
[no replies]
Debug a program
Hi, when i try to debug a program, a widow appear that indicates "the specified file is unfound". how i can solve this problem? thank you in advance.
[1 reply] : It would help to see your code or at least the error. Knowing what you... (by SamuelAdams)
by h4ever
Stack around the variable 'pages' was corrupted.
The program compiles fine, however after I open file it crashes. FileOpen(hSheet, true, -1); // this is OK SwitchPages(hApp, hSheet, &scen); // here it cra...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, thanks. Now it works! (by h4ever)
by ape1
3 arguments expected, 0 provided
trying to print a concatenation through a vector of objects(my students class) //Header File #ifndef CLASSES_H #define CLASSES_H #include <iostream...
[6 replies] Last: Thank Yall for the help! I think I will be able to get it to work prop... (by ape1)
by h4ever
different basic types
I need to explain why I got this error makewindows.h(44): error C2371: 'PAGES_TEMPLATES_BACKUP' : redefinition; different basic types 1> i:\pc improve...
[5 replies] Last: Looks correct in cpp: Yes, but not in the header. Without extern yo... (by coder777)
Please give hint about number generation?
I'm doing the beginner exercises on this website, and I'm having trouble with the "Bracketing Search." ★★ Modify the program so that instead of the user ...
[2 replies] Last: Also, the computer should use the fact that the previous guess was too... (by dhayden)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 30313233
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