Beginners - July 2015 (Page 29)

by OO7
Multiple if statements
Im trying to create a simple age calculator that has cout of custom messages, Im trying to use multiple "if" statements. It often shows nothing in the console w...
[5 replies] Last: i added 400 incase someone wanted to be silly. I guessed that. But w... (by andywestken)
heloo (1,2)
Heloo I have a problem i have two input files file1.txt and file2.txt and I need In an outputfile.txt to show all the lines that appear in both input files ...
[34 replies] Last: anybody help me (by mariuss)
by KMagic
Not enough disk space to install
My F: drive has 30 Gb left. Why does it say: You may need to free up disk space to install. Here's the screen: ...
[5 replies] Last: @MiiNiPaa: You can see the install button not ready to be clicked. @A... (by KMagic)
class inheritance
In this problem i have to develop a program to make a class account with derived class as current account(cur_acct).I have to store the customer name,a/c number...
[2 replies] Last: Thanku sir.It solved my problem :) (by samarth123)
Opinions on best IntelliSense IDE/Complier
I currently am using Microsoft Visual C++ Express. I'm a hobbyist programmer, so it meets my needs to create relatively simple projects and of course, it's fre...
[1 reply] : Well, there's only one IDE that has IntelliSense, and that's Visual St... (by helios)
by Filorn
string copying
After writing the string the program crashes :( #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char s1 ,s2 ; int main(){ printf("Inserisci 8 caratteri: "); s...
[4 replies] Last: windows says that my program has finished to work (by Filorn)
Difference between References and Pointers?
The code below does exactly the same thing. Which is better to use in terms of optimization? In what instances would you choose pointers instead of references...
[3 replies] Last: The code below does exactly the same thing. Which is better to use in... (by MiiNiPaa)
Complex number problem
My complex class read only Real, and Imag is 0 after build and run Z1 should be equal -> 0.209+0.117i And i get only -> 0.209+0i Any help about this ? ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your answer. It was very helpful :) (by tommyldo)
Placing Code in Different Files
Hello! I am currently learning how to place code in different files but for whatever reason it says that speak () is not defined in my main. Any suggestions as ...
[1 reply] : Use #ifndef instead of #ifdef . (by Peter87)
When I run my code with the input "<b>this should be bold</b>asdf<head>inception of<head>this should be deleted</head>pooooop</head>asdf", it places an * betwee...
[2 replies] Last: @cire Ahhhhh. Thank you for your help! Best regards, Jae Kim (by jhykima)
Program stops when I choose different directions
Why does my program stop when I switch directions (like "right" to "left", or "down" to "up"), but if I keep going in the same direction (like "left" to "left")...
[3 replies] Last: Your program is essentually: while(M == "left") { //Handle movin... (by MiiNiPaa)
Factorial and Decimal to binary help!!
Hi guys, I'm finishing up with my final assignment but seem to have gotten stuck on the last 3 functions....If there's anyone out there that could help me finis...
[no replies]
Sorting unordered map by its value
How to sort unordered map by its values.I have tried by using sort function with help of lambda function,But I am getting error while trying: sort(names.begin...
[3 replies] Last: Get a sorted (on mapped_type) snapshot view of an associative containe... (by JLBorges)
Check if windows internet is online
Hello, I have some problem to check if internet is online. Edit // this code works #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(){ if(Inter...
[no replies]
Code Clean up help!
I was wondering if someone was willing to clean up my code, I want to take in as much criticism or advice as possible to advance me. Thanks! #include <i...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
How come start_head and end_head is not storing the index of the first occurrence of <head> and </head>? But rather, it basically holding the values of std::str...
[3 replies] Last: sigh... Thank you guys... (by jhykima)
while loop issue
Why didn't this work? It leaves me stuck in the loop. Can't I use or || in a while loop? while (userInput != "y" || userInput != "n") { cout << "" ...
[11 replies] Last: Yeah that's confusing to me. Thanks for posting. (by jsonlickliter)
I just finished writing a simple program that outputs to the user the symbols used in a sentence. If you can look over it and see if there are places of improve...
[3 replies] Last: @gamer2015 Thank you so much for your response. I will definitely sta... (by jhykima)
Reverse file
I am trying to display contents of a file backwards. However once I get to vector <string> :: reverse_iterator rit; in main then nothing happens. It will displ...
[1 reply] : void readFile( const string fileName, vector<string> data ); What is... (by keskiverto)
reading .txt file into array of nested structs
Hey guys, I don't do a lot of C++ programming so this is starting to drive me a little crazy. so basically I'm trying to read in 'vending machine data' to a...
[3 replies] Last: while(true) facepalm(); ??? (by andywestken)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 33
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