Beginners - July 2014 (Page 43)

Boost-like matrix of smart pointers?
Hi all, For performance reasons I need to build a matrix of pointers to objects instead of plain objects. Whenever I require a big matrix I usually go for th...
[1 reply] : Line 11: Node is on the stack. Although Node is pushed on the stack ... (by AbstractionAnon)
c++ program:unexpected output
#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct elem{ int a; int b; }; void display(elem *ptr); int main() { elem *ptr=new elem(); displ...
[1 reply] : Do you realize that you have computed the difference of the pointers i... (by jlb)
pseudo code
i'm reading c++ how to program by paul deitel. im having some problem with ex 4.13. Drivers are concerned with the mileage obtained by their automobiles. One dr...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by Reaper2984)
C++ Gui
Since i m new to c++ gui so tell me how to use QT .... I mean how to make simple hello world program in QT ..... I dont know How to open the correct wizard to...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks to all of you i have got it working .........yeahhhhhh (by Salman0349)
When displaying the months with the highest and lowest rainfall amounts, it displays month nan.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int NUM_MONTHS = 12; // Constant for the array size double rainfall ; // An a...
[3 replies] Last: What is the value of count ? Consider this code: for (count = 1; co... (by Chervil)
C++ Primer thousand pages?
Why is c++ Primer contain a thousand page? I mean most books teaching c++ is not that long. Is there a reason for this? Is there a book that is close enough...
[11 replies] Last: nope :) (by mutexe)
by f8al
Help understand a class question
I had a question like this You are writing a computer game and you are going to allow the player to possess various items in the game, such as weapons, armou...
[2 replies] Last: But if I was going to put this in C++ wouldit by like this Not exac... (by Z e r e o)
Class constructor problem
Hello can anyone tell me what's wrong here: #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/Audio.hpp> #include <cstdio> class Button { public:...
[1 reply] : printf is displaying 1 for me. Everything in my code should be same as... (by Ganado)
First Application Idea
Ok, my question is that I want to make a program that pulls a certain string of characters from amazon websites url in the address bar(the characters right befo...
[5 replies] Last: I would love to use firefox, but the guy I am trying to write this fo... (by ibdv4521)
Extract word from string
I've never really spent the time getting into more string manipulation than I thought necessary so it's beginners forum section time. Let's say I have a long...
[3 replies] Last: Yep those two functions made it easy, thx. (by LsDefect)
by Winter
cout a string variable?
A little confused here, I'm getting this error. EDIT: char* works for me, i'm not quite sure what strings are used for. #inc...
[4 replies] Last: String is much more convenient than char*. (by keskiverto)
by Rockyy
Writing Hexdata to file
Can any one let me know a small function which write hexdata to file. Suppose if i give input ffff,0x42.. Output should be written to file similar as input. ...
[1 reply] : Use read/write. Remember to open the file as binary. (by kbw)
by yepMe
File static and unnamed namespace
Hi all, Kindly explain these two terms, I do not want the difference between them, just explanation of them.
[8 replies] Last: The whole (small) program can be in one translation unit. http://stack... (by keskiverto)
I want to learn Embeded program
I have been worked for 3years as a window programmer. My most work make serial or TCP/IP program. I read data from firmware. But the problem is i ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by prodo5050)
by mehak
program to list all files of .txt extension
i am trying to list all files in the directory with .txt extension but in vain.please help me with the following code. #include <dirent.h> #include <std...
[4 replies] Last: #include <dirent.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main... (by mehak)
Compiler Error
This program is supposed to read data from a file and determine whether or not the string is a pangram. I had it working perfectly as a char array, but when I ...
[1 reply] : At line 17 you are not initializing one string, but an array of string... (by Yay295)
Problem with compiler or IDE or OS ?
I have a problem when i try to debug a program sometimes it keeps on debugging forever and the break debugging doesn't work too , it's so fraustrating i have to...
[5 replies] Last: Throw some extra code into the program to print out where it is in the... (by dhayden)
incorrect loop bug
hello. i am writing an Opengl application that manipulates a cube by rotating all 3 axis's using the keys on the keyboard while also having the option to modify...
[1 reply] : found the problem. don't know why i over looked it. i needed else if's... (by dark ninjuh)
Arrays and Functions
Hi, Im having trouble with my C++ assignment and was hoping for some help. I need to create multiple functions and arrays. The first function needs to take i...
[2 replies] Last: So you're problem is that you don't know how to put this into multiple... (by gingy)
GCD the Brute-Force Way
Ok. I already wrote a program to compute the GCD of 2 numbers using Euclid's algorithm, but now I have to write another program to compute the GCD of 2 numbers ...
[11 replies] Last: There's no such thing as a greatest common factor. Now, a least common... (by helios)
July 2014 Pages: 1... 414243
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