by Furyoku
how to delete a file using c++?
[2 replies] Last: You should also put some checks in to determine whether or not the fil... (by TwilightSpectre)
by Errons1
Can't find the error in the code
[3 replies] Last: If you look at the side bar, there is a thing with 'Format:', and a wh... (by TwilightSpectre)
by judo11
How to perform the needed search process for array elements?
[3 replies] Last: Please give me some codes because I am having difficulties in debuggin... (by judo11)
by Vhin
Should classes be copy-assignable?
[1 reply] : So, basically your problem is that you want a completely immutable obj... (by TwilightSpectre)
by darkn3ss
question about classes
[9 replies] Last: You can learn more about where things " should " go by googling around... (by Duthomhas)
by mansoorwaqas
draws 3D shapes on screen by user choice
[2 replies] Last: Better still, show us what code you've written, and provide the result... (by Michael5)
by sygede
singly linked list constructor and assignment operator question
[4 replies] Last: i figured it out. I should advance source_ptr before looping. don't kn... (by sygede)
by raminlich
cout floating in array
[1 reply] : If you step through this, the code ends up accessing an out of bounds ... (by wildblue)
by maksins
Alternative of exit(-1)
[4 replies] Last: I've looked again at the OpenSees site, and I realize now that OpenSee... (by Duthomhas)
by anundal
Modify a program that prints all two letter website addresses to include numbers
[no replies]
by Ozwurld
SFML 2.x BreakOut Help!
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply naraku9333 though i coldnt understand the logic i... (by Ozwurld)
by neel3123
c++ sorting program
[9 replies] Last: Thanks so much Kevin ! (by neel3123)
by oguzhand95
Classes and Inheritance Problem in Entity-Component Design.
[2 replies] Last: Second solution looks good to me. Thanks for the answer. Oğuzhan D. (by oguzhand95)
by raminlich
problem in showing array
[no replies]
by ShehabKKhan
Dev-C++ problem!! Please HELP!!!
[2 replies] Last: Ran fine for me also. What do you mean "does not compile"? Please... (by AbstractionAnon)
by raminlich
how to put floating numbers in arrays
[3 replies] Last: thanks (by raminlich)
by ChrisMolloy
Using objects in struct
[6 replies] Last: Just cut and paste the two pieces of code in my post. (by dhayden)
by xuf20ifl
How to read word by word from a file using getline
[4 replies] Last: Is there a reason you want to use getline() instead of just using the... (by xuf20ifl)
by donttrackme
fstream.h, conio.h and other header files in Xcode
[2 replies] Last: With any up-to-date compiler you should use <fstream> rather than <fst... (by Chervil)
by Cube777
Why won't ifstream work?
[6 replies] Last: I switched to Visual Studio and it fixed my problem, thanks for trying... (by Cube777)