Beginners - July 2014 (Page 37)

how to delete a file using c++?
how to delete a file in c++ I already look here: but still don't unsderstand. for example i want to delete a...
[2 replies] Last: You should also put some checks in to determine whether or not the fil... (by TwilightSpectre)
Can't find the error in the code
Hey Guys I'm watching a tutorials by Buckys C++ eps. 13. link ( And in this eps. his writting down a code (Hi is t...
[3 replies] Last: If you look at the side bar, there is a thing with 'Format:', and a wh... (by TwilightSpectre)
by judo11
How to perform the needed search process for array elements?
Please Help me revise or improve the program because it has a logical error. Write a program that will search for the number of an item in the array num ={2...
[3 replies] Last: Please give me some codes because I am having difficulties in debuggin... (by judo11)
by Vhin
Should classes be copy-assignable?
Well, basically I have a class which aggregates some data together - a score. At first, I was going to make the class completely immutable (const data members, ...
[1 reply] : So, basically your problem is that you want a completely immutable obj... (by TwilightSpectre)
question about classes
Will functions always go in public and variables or members always be in private?
[9 replies] Last: You can learn more about where things " should " go by googling around... (by Duthomhas)
draws 3D shapes on screen by user choice
You have to build a project in Dev C++ environment. In this project make an application which draws 3D shapes on screen by user choice. Your application should ...
[2 replies] Last: Better still, show us what code you've written, and provide the result... (by Michael5)
by sygede
singly linked list constructor and assignment operator question
Hi everyone - I was trying to study data structure in c++ by myself, and was following this homework
[4 replies] Last: i figured it out. I should advance source_ptr before looping. don't kn... (by sygede)
cout floating in array
hi all why this program only cout 3.5 for two times not cout this 2.5 3.5 #include <iostream> using namespace std; main () { float a ,z=2.5,...
[1 reply] : If you step through this, the code ends up accessing an out of bounds ... (by wildblue)
Alternative of exit(-1)
Hi Everyone, I am a structural engineer with non-programming background. I've had help from here before, so I am posting a question again in hope of a solution...
[4 replies] Last: I've looked again at the OpenSees site, and I realize now that OpenSee... (by Duthomhas)
Modify a program that prints all two letter website addresses to include numbers
Hi, I am working on a (non-homework) programming problem. I am given a program that uses "while" loops to create a list of all two letter domain names and am as...
[no replies]
SFML 2.x BreakOut Help!
Hi guys, i've been trying to make the classic breakout game using SFML. I have the following problems: 1) I cant figure out an easy way to make the bricks, s...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply naraku9333 though i coldnt understand the logic i... (by Ozwurld)
c++ sorting program
Write your question here. Hello everyone I have to write a program that sorts numbers from least to greatest. The way that it has to sort them is: 1) The progra...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks so much Kevin ! (by neel3123)
Classes and Inheritance Problem in Entity-Component Design.
Hello guys, Me and my friend are trying to program a Entity Component system to get used to C++ and also to use it in our further projects. Below, you see that...
[2 replies] Last: Second solution looks good to me. Thanks for the answer. Oğuzhan D. (by oguzhand95)
problem in showing array
hi this is my prog #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; main() { float x,y,z,dar,a ; int td,f,co,i=0; cin>>...
[no replies]
Dev-C++ problem!! Please HELP!!!
Hello everyone, I made this small program for fun, and I try to compile it via Dev-C++ but it is not working. It says compiling, but does not compile! Please he...
[2 replies] Last: Ran fine for me also. What do you mean "does not compile"? Please... (by AbstractionAnon)
how to put floating numbers in arrays
hi all i write this #include <iostream> using namespace std; main () { float a ; int x; for(x=1;x<2;x++) cin>>a ; cout<<a ; } but in cout give me stra...
[3 replies] Last: thanks (by raminlich)
Using objects in struct
I am using a library called RunningAverage. To create a instance of RunningAverage you use RunningAverage myAvg(n) where n is the number of elements. I wo...
[6 replies] Last: Just cut and paste the two pieces of code in my post. (by dhayden)
How to read word by word from a file using getline
Hi. I'm doing an assignment. And I'm trying to read input from a file word by word using getline and then assigning each word to a variable, using a function ca...
[4 replies] Last: Is there a reason you want to use getline() instead of just using the... (by xuf20ifl)
fstream.h, conio.h and other header files in Xcode
Hey, I'm a beginner in C++ programming and I use Xcode -> Command Line Tools -> C++ on my Mac at home and Turbo C++ at school. How do I download fstream.h, c...
[2 replies] Last: With any up-to-date compiler you should use <fstream> rather than <fst... (by Chervil)
Why won't ifstream work?
Hi, I'm trying to write a script to read from a file and I never had problems before reading/writing to a file, but with the last few times ifstream just won't ...
[6 replies] Last: I switched to Visual Studio and it fixed my problem, thanks for trying... (by Cube777)
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