Need help with vector |
[3 replies] Last: Vector holds elements of some type. Vector allocates memory for stori... (by keskiverto)
by wharp2
Static Arrays... program issues (1,2)
[37 replies] Last: Very pleased to hear that! (by Chervil)
by falangeles
[5 replies] Last: > It will actually end eventually. > Once the numbers get too big and... (by JLBorges)
Need help with my code! |
[2 replies] Last: Yes, Thanks you Ispil! (by trentonjeffro)
by cplustudent
Can you explain this line by line
[1 reply] : I added a few comments. ;) // I added this line in. Some of the funct... (by Yay295)
by CDavis
[1 reply] : This smells like C. Do you know about bool eans? (by xismn)
by neel3123
2d Array Reverse Error (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Cool! Glad you got it working :) (by wildblue)
by darmok40
Resetting variable used within switch, inside while loop and referenced by function
[6 replies] Last: I found the issue was actually with poor references. After I pointed T... (by darmok40)
by Nell34
Meaning of "->"
[4 replies] Last: Its partly because it allows for sometimes having both. The -> opera... (by TwilightSpectre)
by gunnar725
Help with a matching program.
[4 replies] Last: this code compiles fine for me would you please tell me which compi... (by giblit)
My program has calculating problem |
[7 replies] Last: Problem solved, thank you! (by wangshengwei95)
by xoNiteStar
Can you explain this to me, please. I'm really confused!
[6 replies] Last: You would just need to have a loop iterate through each character in t... (by Yay295)
Program got error |
[5 replies] Last: nan means not a number. The ordering function takes two parameters, ... (by wildblue)
The melancholy of a noob |
[6 replies] Last: I'm using the 7th edition, however the teacher said we could use the 6... (by madelinelise)
by supraba
memset() for two dimensional arrays
[5 replies] Last: memset() is used to initialize raw memory. If you want to initialize a... (by helios)
by Sabomoth
Appending to RichTextBox each char different font&background color
[no replies]
by Nanyo
Change in the code
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! That solved my problem :) (by Nanyo)
by aseemgoyal
Generic Binary Search
[4 replies] Last: I mean , that comparing strings require , but intege... (by giblit)
by quisite
I have no idea where's my code wrong~~
[3 replies] Last: You seem to have solved it, but I would suggest you look into switch s... (by Yay295)
by mattm86
Linked List returning NULL
[2 replies] Last: count is so it only displays 10 items per line. What you provided sol... (by mattm86)