by gingy
How do you print extended ASCII chatacters from a file?
[2 replies] Last: So is there no way to display those to the command prompt then? (by gingy)
Basic Win32 Project (OpenGL). |
[1 reply] : Change line 14 char string to LPCWSTR string and add 'L' before t... (by Yay295)
by abdohelal
C++ Game Help !
[1 reply] : I thnk you need to store the answer, and user input in 2D array, 1st D... (by LendraDwi)
by adiktid
Help with mastermind
[6 replies] Last: I have to make it like this Have your computer generate a random 5 d... (by adiktid)
by MirandaS
Displaying Diagonal Lines
[1 reply] : Change line 16 and 17 to something like for(i=n;i>=1;i--) (by LendraDwi)
by riemann
Overloading Operators in a Template Class
[2 replies] Last: If you're friending the specialization for T, you could omit the T, it... (by Cubbi)
by vxk
Beginning template programming
[2 replies] Last: oh yeah i forgot using namspace std .... thanks!! (by vxk)
by KOD
Trying to have user determine the size of an array
[4 replies] Last: Vectors aren't difficult at all. In fact, you can use them almost iden... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by SirEgo
Remember what i chose.
[1 reply] : You're already storing what the use has chosen in that 'input' variabl... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by LunaCaelum
never-ending do-while loop? (or something else?)
[2 replies] Last: thank you for your help! (by LunaCaelum)
by Yomaster
Multifile Project Help - Compile Errors
[7 replies] Last: That fixed it! I now have a fully-functional program. Thanks for all y... (by Yomaster)
by jub4jive
explanation of a code
[6 replies] Last: Thanks again! (by jub4jive)
by awatt92
Help Please
[5 replies] Last: Line 36: There is no need for the if here. else is adequate since ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Mimic
Array declaration and initialization
[1 reply] : You can do it like that if you use std::array. int num ; std::arra... (by Peter87)
by watted
i need help !
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys ,you are awesome:))) (by watted)
by MPM
Reading a 3D-vector (vertex) from a STL-like binary file
[no replies]
by TheTendo
Bucle while not working.
[5 replies] Last: That worked, AbstractionAnon!! Thank you both AbstractionAnon & boora... (by TheTendo)
transactions and functions |
[2 replies] Last: You have a lot of repeated code. You should move repeated code to a s... (by AbstractionAnon)
by dgsm98
NIM Game Error
[no replies]
by newbieme
Simple C++/VBA Dll Question
[5 replies] Last: Okay I got it to work..actually wasn't that complicated :D (by newbieme)