Beginners - July 2014 (Page 11)

by Iheb96
Finding what wrong...
I am new to c++(i am taking it as my first serious programming language) I was doing Dungeon challenge code when ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone I will fellow your link giblit @toad i tried that but ... (by Iheb96)
Variables in classes
So I'm practicing some stuff with variables in classes and I can get it to work with string functions and words but when I try numbers I get loads of errors say...
[2 replies] Last: Program running well now, thanks! (by SomeCodingNoob)
by jlken
Defination in user defined function
When I tried to compile this code, I get an error that variable "position" has not been defined for my int main. My defination for the variable is in my first f...
[2 replies] Last: Ah so that was it. Yeah it's working perfectly now. Thank you so much. (by jlken)
by Arcie
Help with Makefile! Desperate!!!
First I will state, this is homework. I am stuck on this makefile thing and need assistance. I can't figure out why it is getting stuck where it is. I am using ...
[3 replies] Last: SOLVED! Thanks ne555! A bit of time on those links and I finally figur... (by Arcie)
diamond help c++
The problem i need to solve with my code is to make a diamond that when an odd number like 5 is entered will look like this: Please specify the width: 5 #...
[4 replies] Last: just if( width % 2 == 0 ){ // if it's even.. } else{ //... (by lsk)
Beginner Array question?
[3 replies] Last: I will never understand why schools teach file streams before things l... (by Ganado)
by Kazza
Adding Timer to games.
At the moment I'm working on a knock off pong game and I was wondering how to add a timer in so the players can see how many seconds they've played for? Also ju...
[2 replies] Last: Look at the documentation for sf::Clock and sf::Time http://sfml-dev... (by Ganado)
Overloading operators
I'm trying to overload the + operator to use in my fraction class program, but something is going wrong. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using na...
[1 reply] : Lines 160 vs 227. PS. How about a: Fraction operator+ ( const Fract... (by keskiverto)
array to vector
Last night, I learned how to build a 2d array that holds variables from a text file. Today, I am learning how to make that array part of a vector. This is my c...
[2 replies] Last: I have 36 numbers, and I want 5 rows. This makes four extra empty spac... (by blankpat)
Help with comparing arrays
I have an assignment to write a program to grade a multiple choice quiz. I do not have to ask each question, only compare input to the correct answers. I have...
[9 replies] Last: I got it! Thanks everyone for the help! Tanya (by treed2010)
deleted repeated characters
Hi guys,I need help with deleting repeated characters in a string for example if the user inputs aab the returned string will be ab I am using visual studio ...
[no replies]
Need help with error message.
Im writing a program that reads credit card numbers and tells you whether they are valid or invalid cards. Im getting some error message and am not sure how to ...
[3 replies] Last: Are you sure it is an error and not a warning? Also the length functio... (by giblit)
by emacos
free() function
Hello everyone I am new to the forum and I was trying to deepen my knowledge on c, in particular I'm seeing the free() function , and I wondered why in this cod...
[2 replies] Last: thanks Jaybob66, so it is for the same reason (the pointer update) th... (by emacos)
adding elements into arrays
Hi, I am a beginner and I want to learn how to insert an element into an array thanks!!
[4 replies] Last: The problem with your code is that it always inserts at num . That's ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Kazza
Using Opengl to draw 2 rectangles
I am a complete beginner and I was wondering how easy it would be to draw 2 simple rectangles in opengl and having them move up, down, left and right?
[4 replies] Last: Wow, thank you so much this is better than I expected! Thank both of y... (by Kazza)
Why the -1 in this for loop
Why in the bottom for loop is it "index = numbers_used - 1;..." index was initialized to 0 and then numbers_used was set to index. If index started at one I ...
[4 replies] Last: nevermind it only increments after checking for the period (by burton1995)
by CroP
How can I make my program more efficient?
I am doing a project where I have to make a random number guessing game. The program works fine but just for habit learning, how can I make this program more ef...
[5 replies] Last: Although Visual Studio lets you place main() as a function call you w... (by Codermik)
Don't understand Sockets (Linux)
Hello I read three books about sockets but I just don't understand them. This is what I know after reading those books: -That you can compare sockets with ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks! :) Will help me further for sure. ;) (by Nielyboyken)
Nested Switch
I have a problem, the code runs but when it comes to the part when you choose what type of phone. it just ends there. Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys! I've fixed the code and it ran well! Really thanks to ... (by kaizerryo123)
W8030 warning message
Hi Guy's can you help! I've modified a delphi code to C++ [ find Radius and Center Point from three coordinates ] but get W8030 warning meesage bool ...
[5 replies] Last: Hi Chervil Thank you for your help, your right the swap() function do... (by closed account Shp21hU5)
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