by joaoareias
ISO C++ forbids initialization of member
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys (by joaoareias)
by dbilancione
a generic variable for different structures
[2 replies] Last: hi pata and thank you for your reply! The idea is to have USARTx ident... (by dbilancione)
by Ganado
Help displaying a random string from list
[4 replies] Last: Wow, that algorithm is very convenient, thanks a lot for showing me it... (by Ganado)
Error: Expected declaration before '}' Token |
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks. I can't believe I didnt catch that. Also, using swithcase... (by thewitchking15)
C2460 error, VS2012 |
[4 replies] Last: Never use such notation as Person* next, back; in C++. It only con... (by vlad from moscow)
by anzhit
My Tic Tac Toe program
[5 replies] Last: checkLegal seems to work fine Im just making it for personal interest... (by anzhit)
SDL.dll on dev-c++ returns stray whatever errors |
[no replies]
by Lilly55
guess the sign(game)
[no replies]
Static memory address of pointer |
[8 replies] Last: I can not suggest any good book on C++ for beginners because I do not ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Nata
How they calculated the output of the code
[9 replies] Last: THANK YOU!!!!! <3 <3 <3 (by Nata)
by zreuille98
Any alternatives to system("PAUSE")?
[10 replies] Last: I am using windows 7 partitioned with ubuntu, but I have a separate de... (by zreuille98)
by jheard901
Coding a Time Conversion Calculator
[5 replies] Last: *bump* (by jheard901)
by ugath3131
Output to CSV problem
[3 replies] Last: Or change the logic, move the code which opens the output file and ou... (by Chervil)
by nmn
A Pointer Bug ?
[11 replies] Last: @nmn -- for any given (a) and (b), your loop to get the range (a) to ... (by jrfrago)
by axdel
Array function grade book problem
[4 replies] Last: The problem requires a five string array for names, four double array ... (by axdel)
by nichathan
How to "Stack" a number?
[11 replies] Last: this is exactly what I was looking for thanks (by nichathan)
by theunkown
need help with string creation
[5 replies] Last: oh .. wait not i geddit, push back adds a looping creates x... (by theunkown)
Question: How do I determine the ratio of two cin-ed integers? |
[5 replies] Last: @mik2718, Thanks! The details really help me understand. @pata, Tha... (by InclinedToFall)
by akluffy
Is it necessary to #include .cpp file?
[15 replies] Last: Well, okay, guess I am wrong. But why? I thought include just includ... (by Lowest0ne)
Need a little help with my calculator program |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for helping me.My program is working now. (by Gamemaster007)