How does a string work? |
[6 replies] Last: You need to know about pointers first though. So if you don't know abo... (by Grime)
by Rushda
error:else without a previous if
[6 replies] Last: Thanks...modify the program as follows and it worked! #include <iostr... (by Rushda)
by dutch
Assigning pointers
[2 replies] Last: @jtruth914 Please DON'T delete your question after getting an answer.... (by MikeyBoy)
by Sepideh
Can anyone help me about this Question
[6 replies] Last: all right thanks (by Sepideh)
by jrocket261
new to programming
[5 replies] Last: thank you mbozzi much appreciated. i will look into some text books (by jrocket261)
by yup2
Vector to csv
[3 replies] Last: Hello yup2, I have thought about your problem for awhile and the answ... (by Handy Andy)
by LakySimi1
EXTENDED ASCII - How to 'cout' ? (1,2)
[27 replies] Last: > I just want to know what happens when you try to cast a high intege... (by mbozzi)
by Lunchbox
Dungeon Crawl Help
[5 replies] Last: Wow, struct really simplified everything. I'll be sure to be making mo... (by Lunchbox)
by YeetParadox
Diagonal and vertical win condition checks
[3 replies] Last: That's how my teacher presented it Your prof is pulling your leg, or... (by dhayden)
by YeetParadox
column dropping
[2 replies] Last: Same topic as your previous three threads. Please don't start new thre... (by Grime)
by Maxster
Tetris Help v2
[9 replies] Last: What part didn't you understand? Did you read my post? Give us your id... (by Grime)
by yup2
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I was unaware that it needed each element following... (by yup2)
by edogggo
Help with basic program
[1 reply] : Please, use the code tags (the <> formatting button), to the right of ... (by chicofeo)
by YeetParadox
Connect 4 win checks!
[3 replies] Last: I would; however, in your post, (by chicofeo)
by kyrresc
Returning vector from function
[7 replies] Last: vector<double> vec = calculateSeries(5000, 10); for (double val : vec... (by Peter87)
by kuushie118
Array index out of bounds
[3 replies] Last: vectors have a lot of good stuff going for them. But c++ arrays, if u... (by jonnin)
by Maxster
Tetris Help v2
[1 reply] : It does not help multiple post of the same: (by chicofeo)
by Maxster
Tetris Help v2
[1 reply] : Similar post: and http... (by chicofeo)
by rozick1
Return types when arguments may be valid or invalid?
[6 replies] Last: Consider std::optional<T> . (by mbozzi)
by gaia96
file line by line and column by column
[2 replies] Last: Hello gaia96, On line 4 you do not name a type for the variable. It l... (by Handy Andy)