by inf2405
Numerical Approximation
[4 replies] Last: Of course it runs for ever. You NEVER CHANGE THE VALUE OF i. Just use... (by lastchance)
by Tduck
Segfault upon compilation
[7 replies] Last: Oh. Right, arrays start at 0. I guess that kind of flew to the back ... (by Tduck)
Address boundary error, while reading a file |
[11 replies] Last: What I do now, is only having one vector, resize or reserve at... (by CakeByTheOcean)
by lizan0a
Fraction Class
[7 replies] Last: @Granado Wow that was wonderful. Thank you for sticking around to help... (by lizan0a)
by inf2405
Wrong binary expression with double
[2 replies] Last: double y=-(50*x)/(((25*x*x)+1)^2); ______________________________^ ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Best way to retrieve multiple variables from nested objects for other object? |
[12 replies] Last: Interesting. I'll practice with some examples from that link and see i... (by closed account Ezyq4iN6)
by Bopaki
Help me display the total volumes of Box1 & Box3
[2 replies] Last: Hello Bopaki, You have been around long enough to know not to use the... (by Handy Andy)
by Bopaki
I do not know how to work with:String::String(char const*)
[8 replies] Last: Your constructors look fine. You have some other problems though. Li... (by AbstractionAnon)
by MrGreenz
Homework help
[1 reply] : And? What's your question? What, exactly, do you need help with? (by MikeyBoy)
by Bopaki
How can I display the sum of object1 and object2
[4 replies] Last: Okay thank you everybody. You are both correct. The answer of 5400 is ... (by Bopaki)
by denwisi
[5 replies] Last: @denwisi, I don't think you understand the problem - and you need to d... (by lastchance)
by gibsonj338
Pythagoras Theorem program
[2 replies] Last: As keskiverto mentioned: You calculate the formula before the variab... (by coder777)
by DrogHead
Image Bitmap not showing
[4 replies] Last: I think the problem is in the path to the file What makes you think s... (by coder777)
by bzarr
Only the first two cins are processing and then the program stops.
[1 reply] : cin and getline don't play nice sometimes. I would just use getline f... (by jonnin)
by sgill1998
Replacing a substring with a string
[7 replies] Last: SEP field. Im outta here! If you use it, do make sure you understand... (by jonnin)
by colton96
If else problems or something else i'm lost
[4 replies] Last: it is just cout. your program has "using namespace std". If you don'... (by jonnin)
by Thormind
Moving an ASCII character left or right on the console when a or d are pressed
[5 replies] Last: sleep and Sleep are different as well, or were ... (by jonnin)
by Tduck
Ncurses output glitches and becomes invisible
[no replies]
by e4777
Population Growth C++ program
[15 replies] Last: Try what? (by Grime)
by emilo0212
Plotting math functions (quadratic functions) in C++11 on Ubuntu using ImGui
[15 replies] Last: Bingo! I think there are much better GUIs for use with C++ if you are... (by lastchance)