by KB93
Find Index of Closest Value in a Vector of Struct
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <s... (by lastchance)
by yat89
[11 replies] Last: Its work. Thank you @dutch for your help. (by yat89)
by Trib
prime, for,
[6 replies] Last: Of course my code runs without error, but it is lack of generality. Ev... (by locatee)
by skrish123
find size of an object of a class
[1 reply] : What will be the output of the following program? The output is im... (by mbozzi)
by KB93
Binary Search Vector For Closest Value
[12 replies] Last: solved double Convert::convertKtomV(double value) const { auto it... (by KB93)
by cool123dude
Lucky Number Game Problem
[1 reply] : 1 5 2 3 2 4 6 8 12 O/P - BOB (by cool123dude)
by KB93
How to Read Text File Starting at Numbers
[9 replies] Last: You can convert to millivolts in the input function: istream& opera... (by dutch)
by d0enas
Mathematical actions C++
[2 replies] Last: The program calls for a class to represent rational numbers and whole ... (by dhayden)
by powsem
Net beans optimized out
[8 replies] Last: I heave read: "if I see "<optimized out>", and don't use variable, th... (by powsem)
by Mrsoap
Simple error I need help with
[2 replies] Last: Hello Mrsoap, It would be better if you post the whole code as the er... (by Handy Andy)
by redfury
How do I make this shape in C++?
[3 replies] Last: Hello redfury, What I have found with VS2017 is that the IDE and the ... (by Handy Andy)
by tiank2000
mouse click
[2 replies] Last: i use windows and i use c++ language with coode blocks compiler (by tiank2000)
by MJnoob
Checking if input is in the array already, and if its int or not
[10 replies] Last: Hello MJnoob, oh yes, I thought you meant I have to make a header fo... (by Handy Andy)
by siavash82ir
Redirect index.php to your domain
[1 reply] : So what's your C or C++ question? (by salem c)
by surfersss
recursively print character using if and while
[5 replies] Last: Basically this is an infinite loop: while(*k) (when *k is not NULL)... (by Grime)
by Hollowman
Array sorting feedback appreciated :)
[2 replies] Last: I used a 2d array to add another complication for me to work around. Y... (by Hollowman)
by Zero001
Copy only line user wants from a full file into other file
[2 replies] Last: ... (by Enoizat)
by Raul4pk
Date and time as string
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <ct... (by lastchance)
by jacapiwsko
Rapid Fire
[9 replies] Last: Clicked only one time. void click::loop() { //stati... (by jacapiwsko)
by sdaasdf123
Can someone explain the logic of this codes please
[6 replies] Last: It's hard to detect what the semantic of the code is. There are some v... (by nuderobmonkey)