Beginners - January 2019 (Page 10)

Perfect Number Finder
I'm trying to write a program that finds all Perfect numbers. Perfect numbers are numbers that when a chain of numbers, starting at 1, is added together, it equ...
[3 replies] Last: :-) ...! (by Eristato)
std::copy a int vector but withing subtraction
I start with a int vector `row` and would like copy it to a address `ptr`. But now I want to use a sinple way to save the differ with the min_element into the ...
[13 replies] Last: But if you were specified to use std::min then you will need at least ... (by Grime)
Code stuck in infinite loop
Hello! I'm having an issue where I'm designing a palindrome checker. I have no problem with single words, but every time when I type in a phrase that has multip...
[1 reply] : Hi, std::cin only reads up to the first white space, that is one word... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help!!! not printing an array
My code is supposed make an array of 20 random numbers, print it, and then re-print the same array without any repeats. All repeats should be deleted. My code d...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Eristato)
Creating a certain program
Hello everyone, I hope this is the correct plattform to present my problem. Currently, I have no clue about C++, yet I want to write a certain program that w...
[3 replies] Last: Can you do it in c++, well yes. But from what I read, have you looked... (by Grunalin)
by Tduck
Values not sticking around after function call sets them
I've been making an RPG program, and I'm at a roadblock once again. Thanks to the people here I've made a combat system for the game that relies upon fast reac...
[no replies]
Can someone tell me if this is incorrect?
I've been at this issue for a bit: Trying to make a endless loop that outputs pseudo-random numbers. I'm using Visual Studio 2017, if that makes any differen...
[18 replies] Last: Thank you, all! The help is much appreciated, and I now have a random ... (by CodeDragon25)
by yat89
Generating two numbers randomly for each row
Hi everyone, I got a task which need to randomly choose two numbers for each row . The random chosen numbers must not be 0, 1 and 2, also not similar values for...
[11 replies] Last: Hi dutch.. Yes, you're right. I need to choose two values randomly be... (by yat89)
Meaning of Thread and sleep_for()
Goodmorning everyone. I'm a beginner in using C++. I have enclosed a code found on web that computes the duration of a specific calculation (in this case the ...
[5 replies] Last: > a thread is a process that is executing on your machine. > Specific... (by JLBorges)
Passing functions between classes
Hi I am wanting to create a class which has a container of function pointers from varying classes and can then call them all. What would be a way to be able...
[8 replies] Last: Assuming that all the functions to be called would accept an argument,... (by JLBorges)
Help with my (very basic) code
Hello, I am completely new to C++ (used to Python) and needed some advice on my code. I want to translate the following code (Python) into C++ def findGr...
[5 replies] Last: some little things to help you along. None of this is 'wrong' div--... (by jonnin)
Build a function that removes the last element of the list.
Hello everybody. I have build a code which creates and displays list of cylinders which contains 10 elements. Now my task is to build an additional functions th...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Grunalin]nullptr is checking if next is not set You cannot saf... (by Peter87)
Writing output into a .txt file from reading input from a .txt file
I want to store the output into a .txt file by taking input from an another.txt file where the input is in the format The first line denotes no of test case...
[3 replies] Last: By the way where did you get this question? (by Grime)
A Pizza Slice (1,2)
ChefX showed ChefY his new pizza slice design. The design is a planar figure that can be drawn in the following way: Draw a point A0 and two rays from this poi...
[29 replies] Last: No I didn't try that also :( It would be great if someone gives hints ... (by LordRiddle)
Int Main explanation please
So my question is I am running a main function of my problem is a bool which is asking the player to play again. When the function is initialized it has th...
[10 replies] Last: const int N = 5; or to be pedantic, constexpr int N = 5 ; Se... (by JLBorges)
Changing min value of array
Question link- Issue- The output f...
[no replies]
by jb03
Can anyone tell me why this is wrong?
I am writing a program that prompts the user of his DNA, prompts the user for the DNA of his relatives, then calculates the percentage of the match of the DNA o...
[6 replies] Last: YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!!! It works! Thank you so much! I did not see tha... (by jb03)
Else If statement help
Write your question here. So I understand that we are taking the length of our hidden word and creating a variable for it. What I am confused about is wha...
[6 replies] Last: thanks i think i understand this snippet of code (by johanparada)
HELP!!! Confusing Vector Problem
Hi yall! I've been working on a problem that takes all the numbers that have been entered into a vector, takes the mean of them, and then outputs all the numbe...
[6 replies] Last: Solved! Thanks, Grime for the quick fix! Just needed a nudge and now I... (by Eristato)
by Bopaki
This class is written exactly as it is in the textbook
Write your question here. #include "person.h" #include "dateType.h" class personalInfo { public: void setpersonalInfo(string first, string last, ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you all!!! I changed personalInfo to personalInfoType and the er... (by Bopaki)
January 2019 Pages: 1... 89101112... 17
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