by SlowBug2319
Randomization character in a string
[1 reply] : ((rand() % 26)+randomID); On the left, a number. On the right, a st... (by Repeater)
by Shishykish
Why is there an exception thrown after inserting a new record for a doubly linked list?
[1 reply] : In the function make_list, you create four TeleType objects. These are... (by Repeater)
by lostBytes
multiple float literals?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the help all. It worked! I had to drop the class though cuz... (by lostBytes)
by clbj
calculate CGPA with recursion help
[1 reply] : and then there is this code that I couldn't include: ... (by clbj)
by Shishykish
Why can I not fully alter data members of a dynamically added structure?
[3 replies] Last: Hello, I have since tried your recommendations. They've helped me to... (by Shishykish)
by haabee3
Every combination program
[3 replies] Last: Even simpler. string s("abcde"); do { cout << s << "\n";... (by Thomas1965)
by paulpv278
Query OTP c++
[10 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <random> #include <th... (by JLBorges)
by drew026
Very basic Nested Classes help
[5 replies] Last: Ok, so I have made these changes, but I want to make sure I understand... (by drew026)
by Rodev
make_unique and delete?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Repeater! Now it is crystal clear to me! :) (by Rodev)
by nerol0
"Expression must have a class type"
[3 replies] Last: Hello nerol0, My guess at what you may have done and how to fix what ... (by Handy Andy)
by Kestis
Acessing an item of a vector
[4 replies] Last: How would that function know which vector to look in? You'd have to al... (by Repeater)
by paulpv278
fstream query
[1 reply] : Open a filestream. Write one PIN. CLOSE the filestream. Open the file... (by lastchance)
by quocdung
Windows search Pixel
[1 reply] : First you nee to find the window of the chrome browser. Have a look he... (by Thomas1965)
by Tiamothy
How to read a txt file and store it into an array without numbers and punctuation?
[3 replies] Last: It also appears to have a mixture of line endings - some lines have in... (by JLBorges)
by claudilla
Remove all occurrences of a number in an array in C++
[3 replies] Last: > Does that mean that my code is not right or efficient? You make ju... (by JLBorges)
by user16
cin.ignore() and cin.getline
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, thank you for the information, i already solve the problem, than... (by user16)
ignore function |
[1 reply] : Hello unkinkedash, I will give it a try. The first thing you need to... (by Handy Andy)
by emano12
[5 replies] Last: This is a project that is supposed to be done in a group. But my grou... (by jlb)
by Kestis
Objects in objects
[2 replies] Last: If I used vectors instead of maps I would need to know the index of th... (by Kestis)
by DaKingZ
Why won't cin run?
[3 replies] Last: this is why do-whiles exist. They do the loop body once no matter wha... (by jonnin)