Beginners - January 2018 (Page 20)

Find and replace strings in HEX in bin file
Hello. I am trying to write a program changing the string (HEX) to another of the same length. I do it in C ++ and I have a bit of a problem (I'm just starti...
[no replies]
Using Polymorphism
The code below is suppose to compile and execute. However, when compiling, an error C2280 is generated by line 94 as it is attempting to reference a deleted fu...
[6 replies] Last: Let me state the author's reason for Interfaces. Basically, an inte... (by phztfte1)
Can someone explain why i'm getting a segmentation error (core dumped)?
Can someone tell me why I'm getting a segmentation fault (core dumped)? After I compile my code, I'm only able to to input the last cin before I get segmentatio...
[2 replies] Last: Ahhhhh! Thank you! I tried stepping away and I was still stumped. I ... (by smokebudda11)
by Handge
Alternative to system("pause")
I want to have a waiting or something like system("pause") , but it has been said to be evil. Is there any alternative? cin.get or cin.ignore do the purpos...
[9 replies] Last: @ jonnin Your conflict of thinking prejudices yourself into claiming ... (by Duthomhas)
by benjm
Getting your bearings in a large c++ project you didn't write.
Hey guys, so I'm trying to read through the source code of an old game I'd like to port to the web, and I'm trying to get an idea as to where each of the pr...
[no replies]
Network tree builder
Number of trees
[1 reply] : Your indentation makes the code harder to read. I would go back and st... (by kingkush)
by Handge
Visual Studio ok to use system("CLS")
After searching and reading a bit about Visual Studio clearing the screen. People generally say system("CLS") is the way to go, but it is said that using system...
[2 replies] Last: At the risk of beating a dead horse: The std::system function is not... (by mbozzi)
by seanFE
Dynamic Image Perspective and Cropping
I'm new to C++ but have some experience with octave/matlab. I am trying to make a program that is able to take an image of a package with a barcode label visibl...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for the detailed reply. I definitely will think th... (by seanFE)
by Handge
Access object from other file
How would I access an object from another file? main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> class test { public: int random_number = 2; }; int main (...
[5 replies] Last: You created t1 in main. ideally you want to have a separate file for e... (by kingkush)
Class fails to override base class function.
I am trying to develop a mod library which compiles up against a static library that contains class "Enemy". I then tried making a link to the static library an...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome - glad I could help. (by MikeyBoy)
Do these two methods of creating an object pointer give the same result?
Hello. int main() { //METHOD 1: Car *myCar = new Car; //METHOD 2 Car fredsCar; Car *fredsCar2 = &fredsCar } Also, In the first method what does the...
[3 replies] Last: Line 5 creates such an object via new and assigns the resulting addr... (by Beyond Humanity)
by cn00by
NO warning signed unsigned int, with -Wall?
hello, i have some question about signed unsigned compare. Following code drops me an warning #include <iostream> #include <string> int main(void) { int t...
[4 replies] Last: Here's a piece to the puzzle: #include <iostream> #include <string> ... (by Ganado)
Getting strange values in calculator program
Hello, I made a calculator that can use the last calculated value over and over again a bunch of times, but after awhile it starts giving some weird values. I r...
[7 replies] Last: Hello MoreUmph, This is an interesting program to work on. Even thoug... (by Handy Andy)
by mgabco
Frequency f characters
Hello. I am trying to make simple programm to decipher some crypted text (school excersise) Text is crypted with substitution cipher, I have number of occuren...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <sstream> #include <ve... (by lastchance)
by reng
write struct to textfile.txt
I'm trying to write a struct to a textfile (txt) after the user has entered: name, haircolor, age and weight. The issue I'm facing is the output in the textfile...
[4 replies] Last: ... ok, do this. print to the screen/console what you think you write... (by jonnin)
Passing Pointers
The coding is about passing pointers for an int and an array. 1. How do you pass the **pointer as a reference into the function and get it to store values i...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much, Ganado! I have a better understanding of the ** ... (by phztfte1)
Using vector as returning function
Write your question here. Hello, I am new to the community. I want to ask a question about my code. I want to return a vector from my function dec2Bin. In main...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; using vec... (by lastchance)
by vitcal
Insert data into array
I'm really new in c++ and i need a suggestion regarding the topic in the object. I have two vectors of 248 elements each, vector a and vector b. I calculate th...
[1 reply] : Solved (by vitcal)
by Bopaki
I do not know why my program does not run using Quincy 2005
1) I created my project 2) I created my header file "dtime.h" 3) I created and compiled my implementationfile.cpp 4) I created and compiled mt timedemo.cpp f...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Thomas1965. I went to the project directory and opened the proj... (by Bopaki)
Simple Keylogger
There are a few places in this code I do not understand. Please help me. 1)What are these numbers? 8,255,-32767 " 2)I can't understand this part: int S...
[1 reply] : You're doing a lot of sleeping lol -32767 (by wizebin)
January 2018 Pages: 1... 1819202122
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