by devor110
basic string operation issue
[3 replies] Last: Good to hear, although I do still encourage the use of the std::string... (by Ganado)
by wtbe
Student grade sort program
[5 replies] Last: When I fix the problems with getScore(), the code works for me. I sug... (by dhayden)
by al8888
cant return float value
[4 replies] Last: Hi al8888, in addition, you also must return a value here, or otherwis... (by Ganado)
by sevic
Finding index of custom element in vector
[2 replies] Last: You may use find_if. See: (by coder777)
by mmgh
abstract base classes and derived classes
[1 reply] : > If I define an abstract base class with for example 10 virtual metho... (by JLBorges)
by DameDim
Need help with an exercise
[1 reply] : For how map works see this: (by coder777)
by masterinex
how to use find algorithm in C++ with Objects
[7 replies] Last: -> bool determines the return value. It can usually be automatically... (by coder777)
Student Grades Using File I/O and Arrays |
[1 reply] : > Here's the source code and output file ¿where's the input file? ¿h... (by ne555)
by mdustin94
[1 reply] : Have you tried to run it ? (by SamuelAdams)
by Carat1
cheat engine to c++ help
[2 replies] Last: Numbers (and pointers) in the x86 are stored in "little endian" format... (by dhayden)
by Sigge414
Give references values?
[1 reply] : Well, the short answer is that you can do that because the standard sa... (by Ganado)
by jojfjo
Exponents in formulas
[2 replies] Last: i figured not to use cmath because it was not shown or spoken of at an... (by jojfjo)
by soul111
array of characters: it doesn't print the exact size!
[4 replies] Last: ...and to clarify further, you're thinking of string literals. They wi... (by Ganado)
by Jsmo10
My output doesn't match locals
[1 reply] : > cout << "The Best Player is Player Number: " << findHighest << endl... (by ne555)
by hornet13
code giving wrong output after comparing against file
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for helping me with this question. (by hornet13)
by Sigge414
SDL2 tutorial, guides?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I'll look in to it.😃 (by Sigge414)
by ZekDe
I couldn't think a good title for this.Simple question
[4 replies] Last: I am new communication engineer ,this is why I don't know perfectly C+... (by ZekDe)
by alanmonno
[2 replies] Last: Thank you (by alanmonno)
by al8888
floating point exception(core dumped) and can't return -1
[5 replies] Last: thanks I think what the teacher wanted was: #include<iostream> using... (by al8888)
by sevic
Saving data at runtie
[1 reply] : If you mean within the same program run (i.e. not after the program en... (by Repeater)