Beginners - January 2017 (Page 22)

Array & Function
A bookstore owner wants you to write a program to calculate the store's weekly payroll. The store's employees are paid hourly. Overtime is to be paid at the rat...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you guys. I take my time and revise it :) (by DesmondLee)
Complex Vector In Boost interprocess shared memory can not be allocated
I would like to run this code. but This line is stucked by segment maneger failed. I want you to look and point out about nested allocator in struct and vector...
[1 reply] : Here is that pictures (by SOHOman)
Access specifiers
Just a noob question but can access specifiers like Public, Private and Protected be placed inside functions rather than structures and classes only? Like plac...
[8 replies] Last: What if I declare a local class inside say int main with Private memb... (by gunnerfunner)
Function Question
Write a C++ program to compute a person's weekly wage. The main function should ask the user to enter the person's pay rate and the number of hours worked. The ...
[14 replies] Last: FWIW Cubbi's suggestion works and if you change the local to "en_GB" w... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
perlin noise
So I was looking around, I found this site but in pseudocode i found this extern float Gradient ; W...
[7 replies] Last: And what value should have df for start? df doesn't need any value ... (by lastchance)
Seeking help with Serial.parselnt()
Hi, I’m totally new to C++ (2 weeks). I retired a couple years ago and trying to keep my mind viable I took on C++. I’m using an ARDUINO UNO board to work w...
[9 replies] Last: if( x == 0 ) { ??? SETTEMP = Serial.parseInt(); Seri... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
How do you pass a class as a paramater into a function
How do you pass a class as a paramater into a function? string readNames(int, int, candidates ); #include "Header.h" #include "candidates.h" #include <io...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, tho I figured it out. I needed to include "Heade... (by cire)
by louwin
Trying to include mpreal.h and says can't find it?
Okay, I wanted to play around with "Multiple precision arithmetic" so I copied the "mpreal.h" file into my project directory. I changed a couple of "long double...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your response. By including pmir.h, gmp.h, mpfr.h, DLLs and... (by louwin)
Sorting Alphabetically
Hi guys, The exercise I am attempting is requiring me to create dynamic arrays, which the user selects the size of. The part I am stuck on is sorting the str...
[4 replies] Last: #include "Header.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using nam... (by imohamme5)
pacman game in c
hi guys ı need their help.ıt's my homework.ı should make pacman game in c.but ı did't find something.there are many information in c++ but arent in c.can th...
[1 reply] : Just google: See this: (by coder777)
by VX0726
Text File Searching Function not Working
As a lab, we were supposed to create a program to search through a text file. We were given the following text file: Hillary Clinton F 1947 10 26 Donald...
[3 replies] Last: Oooohhhh, that was so stupid of me. :P Thank you all. Will post update... (by VX0726)
Integer Number Reverse
I'm trying to write a code that takes in a positive integer and reverses it. For example: Input: 123 Output: 321 but, after I input an integer, nothin...
[3 replies] Last: Damn, nice catch. Thanks, personxd1! (by closed account 3vX4LyTq)
Process terminated with status -1073741510
What does this error in the build log mean " Process terminated with status -1073741510 " , and when does it appear? I use GNU GCC Compiler , my OS is Win8.1 ...
[3 replies] Last: This should not occur with C++14. AFAIK, nor with any standard vers... (by mbozzi)
Changing variables through return value?
Just confirming that my thought process on this is correct. Below is a wiki sample code from : By stating...
[9 replies] Last: You do claim that bar is more of an interface to foo than foo itself?... (by mbozzi)
Need help to keep motivated.
hello alright ill start off by saying that im 29years old. I have bought countless programming books and always seem to give up after a little while. I love pro...
[13 replies] Last: @cire: I hardly find distinctions, since everything he uses (from a s... (by cire)
C++ on Visual Studio
So I've been writing a lot of c++ on visual studio for the past year, I'm still I guess at a generally basic level. My question though is I will be taking compu...
[7 replies] Last: Also bear in mind that Visual Studio is only the IDE. You can even use... (by Thomas1965)
confused about atomic
Hi, just a general question. I'm trying to get a better general understanding also about the atomic type? I was looking online at one atomic method , comp...
[1 reply] : std::atomic< std::vector<int> > atom; is an error; std::vector<int>... (by JLBorges)
by Phaker
Colour pixels in a window
Hi! I need help with a problem. I want to make a program which displays a window which is 176x132 pixels. now I want to colour single pixels on that window i...
[1 reply] : It's quite simple, but you need to have some knowledge about the Windo... (by Thomas1965)
GPA (Grade point average)
Hi, I want to make a program that calculates your GPA for the classes I made up. My program runs but it gives me a way off number. Not sure what is wrong with i...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks @Thomas1965. You are right. Indeed, I only have to accidentall... (by lastchance)
by Sam786
Need help with Assignment
I am having trouble doing an assignment where I need to create a Java program that is able to •Classes and objects to model the data and separate the business...
[1 reply] : You're posting for help in Java on a c++ forum? At the very least you ... (by muffsez)
January 2017 Pages: 1... 2021222324
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