Beginners - January 2017 (Page 24)

by psykhe
[Error]expected identifier before numeric constant.-setlocale
Hi, I wanna use setlocale(LC_ALL".."); but i get these errors. --expected identifier before numeric constant-- --expected ',' or '...' before numeric constan...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for posting the solution. I was wondering about it myself. ... (by Hirokachi)
C++ GUI programming on Linux
Hi, I'm learning C++ and needing an IDE to design/create GUI interfaces. I am currently using Code::Blocks for C++ on Ubuntu. I have seen a few like WxWidgets....
[4 replies] Last: Out of the three you mention, Qt Creator is by far the best. Netbeans ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Arithmetic mean
why are the results at the end different when a is 0? when i type in a=1 and b=10 both results are 38.5 but when i type in a=0 and b=10 i get 32 and 39.5. in...
[6 replies] Last: Thx :D (by spax1111111)
.exe closng down
I have been used to programming in the DOS Box software, and yesterday I got a book titled 'Absolute Beginner's Guide for C++' by Greg Perry. So in the third ch...
[3 replies] Last: Read the documentation for scanf() here: (by ElusiveTau)
I'm stuck with switch case
Hi guys. I'm a new member in this forum but I start to learn C++ reading your posts. I'm pretty new to C++ and I got a problem trying to put a sub menu in a si...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah cool! Now is working and looking much better!! Thanks guys! (by lapolis)
by NateE
Calculate area of circle and square using classes and header files
I need some help on calling functions. I have worked on this for three weeks. Time is up. Here is the errors I am receiving. Can someone tell me why is it throw...
[10 replies] Last: Oops! I forgot to mention the change that Chervil found. Sorry abo... (by dhayden)
Hackerank palindrome problem
Hi all I'm doing the Richie Rich hackerrank problem. Link is here: but in essence you have to make a number t...
[3 replies] Last: It's definitely a deceptively complex problem. The good news is that ... (by dhayden)
qtWebkit limit bitrate
I'm playing around with qtwebkit, and it's impressive how few lines of code can be written to create a usable web browser. (Personal point of pride: I'm using m...
[1 reply] : From what I've found so far it sounds like the best thing I could do i... (by newbieg)
Exe file wont work outside VS folder
Hello all, I am very new to programming in general; however i have indeed created a C++ program that does work for what i need it to. the program will be ca...
[2 replies] Last: Is the VS .exe dependent on a .dll at run-time? (by Chervil)
by crb8v2
Writing/Reading from a file!
A friend and I are trying to keep our minds fresh over break by creating a program that rates girls, excuse image that throws... I am at a road block finding a...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestions, from both of you. Thomas1965, I do not bel... (by crb8v2)
Help wanted with colliders/collision SFML C++
Hi, I'm pretty new to programming and am working on an entry assignement for the game development school I hope to attend this year. I need to develop a work...
[1 reply] : It is unnecessary to compare both sides of the tile in each if stateme... (by Peter87)
// Example program #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { int a, b, som = 0, produkt = 0; //initialiseren van integers a, b, som en produkt word...
[3 replies] Last: char c is not needed. #include <iostream> int main() { int a,... (by Chervil)
Please any help for this code ?
Hi i am john from france.I am a student in IT class, and still a beginner. Could anyone explain this code for me in simple words, and is there any errors in it ...
[2 replies] Last: okay, i understand it all now, thank you very much arad1995 : ) (by DarkVador)
Arrays - Sum of each lines
Hey guys! I'd like to know how to write out the sum of each lines' values. So what I mean, is that if I have N lines and 7 columns with values, with the "N"...
[19 replies] Last: Thank you for the help. The original question (even if I wasn't really... (by hyperpara)
Culling drawing tiles in a 2D map
I could've sworn there was a more elegant way to cull off tiles with just For loops. I have a tilemap of 128x128, but I only want to render the tile that the p...
[4 replies] Last: Yup, ternary, haha, still a conditional of course but yeah you've conv... (by treefitty)
by dipro
calling a function from another class.
Hi, I am trying to implement this code, but getting error like this-use of undeclared identifiers. In this line of code is showing errors:- compare_edge_points...
[1 reply] : Did you declare your variables: outward_y_image dot_product_image ... (by Hirokachi)
sfml problem
hey uhh.. i've got trouble with sfml...i followed all the procedure and then, 1 problem error apeared which is ||=== Build: Debug in test-sfml (compile...
[4 replies] Last: lol, I did mispell sfml as smfl (by Flaze07)
Show a specific number of string at a time
Say that you have 15 strings but you only want to output 5 at a time and after each 5 you let the user press a key to show five more. How would you do that? Her...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks lastchance. Markusfurst, what was wrong with my version? I tes... (by dhayden)
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