Beginners - January 2017 (Page 12)

Data Structure
Any Good Book or site for learning data structure
[5 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius rounding error
I'm trying to write a temperature converter for my class but whenever I put it through testBed I have a rounding error and have no idea how to fix it. testBed p...
[4 replies] Last: You will also have fewer "rounding errors" if you use a double instead... (by jlb)
Background counter outside loop
For homework I am tasked to write a program that tallies multiple diver scores in a loop. This part I have done and it is correct. What I need help with is a su...
[2 replies] Last: Suggest you set up a struct Diver on the following lines: struct Div... (by gunnerfunner)
Need an explanation
Can someone explain why this code works string a; a = 1; and not this one ? string a = 55;
[1 reply] : It's a good question. The string assignment operator has been overlo... (by Peter87)
Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0)
No matter what I try, my console closed too fast with this statement The program ' projectesting1.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0). I'm using Microso...
[2 replies] Last: Generally the reason why <conio.h> is not recommended is because it ... (by Chervil)
Unable to debug
after trying to debug, the system said that it is unable to start the program as the system cannot find the file specific. anyone know how to solve this ?
[1 reply] : Hello Andy1222, I see that you are using "visual c++ 2010 express". I... (by Handy Andy)
cin pairs into an array
Would like to read in pairs of follows and add them per value: The program runs, but doesn't add and throws out an exception. #include "stdafx.h" #inclu...
[9 replies] Last: The code here looks incorrect: for (i = 0; array <AMAX ; i++) { ... (by Chervil)
infinite loop stops cout (maybe)
I think this program is stuck in an infinite loop however i can't find where because when i try putting cout in various places as markers it isn't printing anyt...
[6 replies] Last: I found the segmentation fault was caused by the incrementing function... (by rngProject)
LINK2019 problem
I'm taking my second programming class and I tried to test an exercise our Professor gave us. I typed each word just as she did, but I keep getting the error wi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you!! Can't believe I missed that! It should work now! Thanks! (by soleilquiles1)
by SVcpp
C related question
Hello, I'm trying to understand some code dealing with low-level I/O. I'm unfamiliar of a good forum for C related questions, but if you have any please let...
[3 replies] Last: I'm unfamiliar of a good forum for C related questions, but if you h... (by gunnerfunner)
Dungeon Program With Questions (1,2)
Hi all, was wondering if someone would critique my code? Questions: Is there a way to combine the ternary ? operator with the conditional statement so I d...
[23 replies] Last: Solved. Getchar in moveplayer function was grabbing new line so i was ... (by MistahMoose)
function help
Im just started learning function coding. Complete the print_total() function below. void_print_total(int price) { //Add your code here... } The fucnt...
[13 replies] Last: @bird1234 oh yea.. my mistake. Thanks for pointing out! :D @Chervil Th... (by DesmondLee)
Defining a 2D array in a separate file
Hi, I am writing a code which uses five fairly large 2D arrays of chars. Since they are pretty large, I want to have them declared and defined in a separate .h...
[3 replies] Last: Assuming that there is no other access to (initialised) elements of th... (by JLBorges)
Need help input is wrong
I am writing a program where a user enters from a menu and picks how they want to search from the file that is read. I know I made a few mistakes already but c...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you andy1992 for the advise, I made a few changes from the progr... (by rezy3312)
by tofi
file search mixing numbers before and after the match is found
Hi In my previos post I have asked about how to search for number form one file into another , the 1st file I have contains number and state , 2nd file c...
[no replies]
array as parameters
Hi guys the code I wrote does not do what I thought it would do,I was expecting printRay to print nothing or garbage because I thought since I was passing the a...
[1 reply] : Simplified explanation to follow: Fixed sized arrays decay to a point... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by rjfam
Endless Loop in Nested Do While Loop
I get an endless loop if the user inputs a character, however the do/while loop works just fine if the user inputs a negative number, what am I missing? The fai...
[1 reply] : You don't show the definition of income. Assuming it is an int, the p... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Bizzy
Incorrect Double Outputs
I'm new to c++ and relatively new to programming so there's probably an easy fix though I can't seem to figure it out. This is a program I have to do for class ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I knew it was a simple mistake that I just couldn't... (by Bizzy)
Software Development
Hi guys, I am a new c++ programmer and have covered all the basic and major topics in my c++ book. I have also completed many small programs which were exerc...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, this was just what I was looking for! (by imohamme5)
Given a set of data for example. apple=$5 orange=$20 watermelon=$22 banana=$24 kiwi=$25 How do I use a program to show the fruits with the top 3 prices and a...
[5 replies] Last: how do I set price criteria You said: with price more than $20 Tha... (by keskiverto)
January 2017 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 24
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