Beginners - January 2017 (Page 11)

Sales Tax help
How can i fix my sales tax calculator #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double taxRate; double itemPurchase; double theTotal; doub...
[3 replies] Last: You should initialise your variables. double taxRate = 0.0; double ... (by imohamme5)
While loop with else statement
Forgive me, for I am only a noob. This is what I've been working on for a couple days. Just started messing with programming this past week, reading tid-bits h...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all for the replies, I'll research your suggestions and see ... (by CBHero1)
help visual studios program
Declare a character array, and initialize it to a suitable string. Use a loop to change every other character to uppercase. Hint: In the ASCII character set, ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the help. Much appreciated. (by plplpl121212)
And OR Operator Problem
what will be the output of this program will be. i think it will be 3 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int i = 1, j = 2; if(i > ...
[3 replies] Last: what will be the output of this program will be. If only there was s... (by MikeyBoy)
function that reads string, converts it to int array, flips number in array.
Hello I am trying to get a program going where I just need about three functions in order to complete the program. Right now I am strugggling with getting the...
[7 replies] Last: Hope there are no negative numbers. #include <string> // // void r... (by lastchance)
MySQL In C++ Reference/Undeclared Identifiers
So currently i am trying to connect a database to an C++ application, i watched a tutorial but it was very outdated and on MSVS 2013 but i followed it none the ...
[1 reply] : Yes you need to download a library for .net and MySql. You can get it ... (by Thomas1965)
Manipulating a char array
What is a simple method to insert a character into a char? Char name = "last"; Strcat(name,"first") But instead insert first in front of last? ...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, this isn't pretty, but it accomplishes taking input and formatti... (by techjohnny)
Hello! I need help with this program. I have to output the geometric mean of the first 2 digits and last 2 digits of string for example if user input "84834992...
[14 replies] Last: Thank you for help! (by mary9734)
variable declaration
Trying to understand a part of this code: char t , *p = (char *)t;// this line of code I dont understand ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok that makes alot of sense now. Thank You (by andrewllewop)
For loop vs For each loop for arrays
What is the difference between for loops and for each loops regarding with using arrays? Can you give example of how for each loop can be used ? What are the ad...
[13 replies] Last: Ok, thank you. (by Kourosh23)
UNIX plug-ins
Hi, I was wondering if someone could assist me in installing a color scheme plug in for VIM? I literally have spent all day yesterday and this morning trying to...
[3 replies] Last: you have to "clone it" from github $ git clone (by mbozzi)
Semantic error of numbers
Write your question here. Hello everyone,I wonder why the result of %d is www=536870912 instead of www=90 ??Since %d represents integral.I'll be appreciated if ...
[2 replies] Last: To elaborate, a little bit: std::printf can accept any number of arg... (by mbozzi)
Writing to a txt file
I want to create a txt file and print "hello" in the file. Im not sure what is wrong with my code, because the file does not show up in the documents folder aft...
[8 replies] Last: the file example.txt will be in your program source directory where yo... (by bird1234)
Output and display the largest number inputted
I have already develop a program that to receive the users' input of a positive integer numbers and to output the average for all the inputted numbers. Now I...
[2 replies] Last: Your program shows "average" after each input. Why? What are those va... (by keskiverto)
Search/Delete/Validate in strings
Good day dear sirs and ladies, for my university homework i have to write a code which checks certain input if it has the right size and the right digits/chara...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks for your advice, i'll be back if i can report something new. (by meltorizor)
Help me find the error, because I can't
So I am writing this code for my summitive in computer science (Grade 11). First thing you need to know is all this writing into and getting data from files was...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much for the advice! After looking over my code with my teac... (by dat boi)
Two variable in a for loop
Hi I'm new to c program here :) may I know how can I use two variable for one for loop statement can I just declare like this. However I saw some online people ...
[5 replies] Last: Float first,second,third First=0; Second=0; Third=0; For(sector=0&&y... (by Andy1222)
Search function in c++?
Hello, today i come to you all in need of guidence! I've googled and seen some stuff but it all kinda confuses me as it's a bit of a jump from where i left off ...
[3 replies] Last: learn how to incorporate DB into C++ depends on which DB you want to... (by gunnerfunner)
by CooloN
Im new to coding , See the reply below
Given task. Write a program that will produce the output as figure below #include<iostream> using namespace std; main () { cout<<"Rectangle Menu ...
[11 replies] Last: TY guys for helping me , this what its look like. //This is solution... (by CooloN)
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