Beginners - January 2015 (Page 7)

Restarting a program
Hello, I am trying to figure out a way I can ask the user if they want to restart the program. I did it with a do while loop but when it loops back around it do...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you Very much it works perfect! (by mike3535)
Help Please. creating an image in cpp
Hello, I am totally stuck, could someone please help me :) Here are my teacher instructors. Anything helps. Structs in Arrays - Create an Image As demonst...
[no replies]
FILE HANDLING (patient file system)
Please help!! The program doesn't run and i've tried to compare it to some forums i've searched here but still doesn't seem to fix the problem... here is the...
[1 reply] : You are attempting to change an unmodifiable l-value. It's an l-val... (by Militie)
Array help
I have an array initialized to the size 5. The point of this function in my code is to get input from the user to either fill the array(5 inputs) or cut it shor...
[3 replies] Last: Now IF the array was set to 5, I don't think that its possible but wo... (by cire)
Soving an equation with a loop and writing to a file
So i have sadly picked a subject at uni that i just cant understand. This probably sounds like a dumb question but i need help with my code because i don't know...
[1 reply] : I'm pretty sure i've done something wrong either with my maths or my ... (by cire)
Pthreads help needed
Hello i'm a bit new to c++ and i made a program for 4 threads to count pi but i don't know how to attach the info to the threads and get it back to main.I'm new...
[no replies]
New to Programming
Can anyone give me tips on how to learning programming? what kind of thinks helped you master c++?
[9 replies] Last: Try going to your local library and see if they have any beginner book... (by TheToaster)
Finding highest frequency
Hello everyone, I have been working on a project that deals with an array of characters and finding there frequencies. I was able to determine the frequencies t...
[3 replies] Last: Hey guys, I have actually gotten very close to solving this . But cant... (by ductttttape)
by cGuru
Math Illogic
I just wanted to be sure that both of these statements are equivalent: if (b*1.25>=d>1.05) { // Do stuff } is the same thing as: ...
[1 reply] : They are not equivalent. // if( ( (b*1.25) is greater than d ) and (... (by JLBorges)
std::string depreciated ?
i have three files: 1: main 2: math functions 3: header when i compile (g++ Linux Mint Rebecca) them I get the following error: 'string' is not a member of 'st...
[8 replies] Last: thanks for you explanations and time. i appreciated it. (by MintDropz)
Help with code error
Help me please! IM entering this code ,but it is not working for some reason. Its from Accelereated c++ ,Chapter 4. The problem is every time i put this code in...
[4 replies] Last: If the book has you doing both selective using namespace and using ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Simple Programs Compiling but no output.
Hi there, beginner here, here is a sample selection of code I am having trouble with. I am using g++ with Sublime Text 2 to compile, and although the following ...
[2 replies] Last: I'm an idiot. In DOS I was naming the compile command differently then... (by TheDero)
Retrieving Data
I need help as to how to read data from a file. Please help.. int main() { ifstream inputFile;"/tmp/Passwords.txt"); int password; ...
[4 replies] Last: Oh yeah.Thanks MiiNiPaa. I didn't realise that seriously. I'll think t... (by ShaunYah)
buffer is not clearing
I was trying to solve a programming challenge when I encountered this buffer issue. I am using getline command and I think cin buffer is not clearing but I don'...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @andy1992 & @tipaye, changing it to unsigned long worked.. (by funprogrammer)
4D vector problem
Tryed to create this vector but i keep getting this error #include <vector> using namespace std; int main(){ vector<vector<vector<vector<int>>>> vec(10...
[4 replies] Last: TY guys for all your help :) Really appreciate it :) (by etrusks)
by kadi
going deep
Write your question here. my question may not seem clear hope some of you will understand me i want to know things that are BEYOND programing how does the ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you :) (by kadi)
by katya
creating a class
Hello everyone, i'm quite new to c++. Actually i found it okay until my professor told us to create a class file for. I've been trying to follow templates b...
[1 reply] : Read this: There are ... (by coder777)
"double" index for vector
I read in my book that im reading that u cant give non integer indexes to vectors and it makes sence, but i checked it out and i got answer 14 starting from ind...
[2 replies] Last: TY a lot for your help man :) I was hoping to get some error with this... (by etrusks)
Developing good programming style
I have taught myself c++ mainly from books and reading tutorials on line. While I would by no means call myself an expert, I still have learned a lot about the...
[9 replies] Last: @TheIdeasMan sorry, but my reply definetly will help, but Im just maki... (by Belldore)
New error I can't find out :(
Tried for nearly 3 hours to find out whats wrong with my code now. It's really making me tear my hair out. Like, the last time im reading from Accelerated C++ i...
[1 reply] : The issue is you're trying to call the function double median(std::v... (by Pindrought)
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