Beginners - January 2015 (Page 36)

2D game math help
Hi I'm currently making a 2D game and I'm struggling on how to implement bullets for my object to fire. I have seen that this is the math/piece of code that all...
[no replies]
how to install glut
GL/freeglut.h: No such file or directory I have the package I have linker: -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 I have dev-c++ 5.8.3 What is it ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks for your help kevin. I work anymore glut. I tried putting an ea... (by closed account ypLhURfi)
C++ on devc++ hangman game problem
[HELOO!!! I AM WRITING A CODE FOR A HANG MAN GAME AS MY FINAL PROJECT *i am new to c++ as its my 1st semester the code has a problem i want that if user inputs ...
[4 replies] Last: yep got it (by FASI)
by EvE12
Number check
I want to check how many does each number appeared. What's wrong here? #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void mode( int ...
[4 replies] Last: It is not about offending, but about learning to supply as much detail... (by keskiverto)
frustrated cause i write bad code..
As you can see by me posting in the beginner section,i am a beginner. but for all the code that i write i have a feeling(and most often right)that the code that...
[3 replies] Last: When you do if(breakFlag == true), instead just do if(breakFlag). The ... (by fabtasticwill)
Constructor Problems
Write your question here. 1) Why does the program work without the utility header being included for the move function? 2) Why does parenthesis have to be u...
[11 replies] Last: JLBorges, Thank you so much. Your explanation completes my understa... (by phztfte1)
C++ newbie
So how do i make a code that will block random answer for example *What is your name*=char name but a number can be still used so my question is how to make t...
[1 reply] : If your name can consist only of alphabet characters (no punctuation, ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Getting Started
I am currently 14 and have been tinkering with coding for a while now and have a decent understanding of the basics but i'm not sure what to do or the best way ...
[1 reply] : > i was wondering if I should continue with the videos or find a good... (by JLBorges)
by clock
Nesting control commands
I was wondering if anyone could explain this: //exit if the loop if the total accumulated is 0 if (adder==0) I am lost as to how you get adder to becom...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Andy1992. (by clock)
C++ email
I found this code and i am getting a error in line 34 with "fopen" and i would also like to know if this works error: source.cpp(34): error C4996: 'fop...
[15 replies] Last: He didn't change the code. You have to link the library. Google it. (by Avilius)
printing 2 triangles in a recursive function
hello i need to print in recursion 2 triangles.. for example if num=3 then it will be: *** ** * * ** *** i know how to do each triangle in recursive, ...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=kevinkjt2000]Also the solution you ask for cannot be done. Ther... (by cire)
Dragging an fl_arc into position
I have modified some code from the internet: //fltk-config --compile freedraw3.cpp #include <FL/Fl.h> #include <Fl/Fl_Window.h> #include "FL/Fl_Double_Window...
[3 replies] Last: Okay I just spent two hours compiling your code. Turns out on my arch... (by kevinkjt2000)
Using reverse function and removing whitespace for a set amount of information from a txt file
I need to find a way of reading in the last 6 lines of data from a file. For example if I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I need to read be able to get 10, 9, 8...
[12 replies] Last: There is a more compact way for that: const auto count = std::min( 6,... (by keskiverto)
by Deeler
method with temporary vectors doesn't take last element
Hello, I've written a function which should for some class with Tekst_ vector in which there's lines of text. I want to separate text and elements different f...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. (by Deeler)
Problems with error check
i'm having problems with the error control, can't figure out why it doesnt stop, and sorry for poor english #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using n...
[2 replies] Last: isdigit() tests a character not an integer. It tests for an ASCII repr... (by tcs)
List iterator not incrementable, enhanced for loop
I am trying to fiddle with lists and the .remove, but when it removes something it crashes the program. Searching google the error happens when the iterator goe...
[1 reply] : I don't know your bullets type. But usually an iterators code depend... (by tcs)
Array is malfunctioning after do loop
I am trying to create an Airplane Seating reservation program. The whole program is working fine but after the do loop runs, the letter A from s does not appear...
[7 replies] Last: I repeat my previous comments: [quote=Golfer22]The array Seat will... (by AbstractionAnon)
Noob mistake
Umm yeah I have probably the most rookie mistake been learning c++ for a 2 weeks now need help with this please help. When you enter red and enter New York noth...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks i am a rookie 2 weeks in now I know all the basics just need to... (by Blackhart98)
Evaluating function return type at run_time
Hi all, am working on a console application and i really need some help,i made a class that totally fell out of design and am not willing to redo it, i just nee...
[4 replies] Last: Ooh thank you very much @JLBorges though I haven't read about boost an... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by aggsyb
Comparing two strings for characters
Hi, Im guessing this maybe uses regex or an iterator or something? but just wondering how I would be able to check to see if certain string characters were the...
[1 reply] : This can be done quite easily without using the <regex> library. But... (by JLBorges)
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